Daily Archives: August 10, 2012

8 posts

Craigslost: The Mouth is Back in Town

Can't Beat the Real Thing

I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. I’d also like for people to stop being such filthy nasties on Craigslist. Personally, I think the possiblity of world peace brought on by our shared love of caramel-colored obesity juice is more likely.

So why don’t we embrace our trashy side and dig deep into the twisted cavern of human psychosis that is Craigslist. Let’s get to the fuckery!

Craigslost is NSFW. There are no obscene photos, however.  Continue reading

The Daily Sausage – Friday Edition

Chris Christie: not an entirely terrible person, the Justice Department chickens out, Young Republicans *snerkt*, the Republican Establishment (or lack thereof), a Big Pile Of Mitt: Paul Ryan edition, Friars gone wild, Sarah Palin breaks irony, “an ultraconservative utopia”, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, actual election fraud (!), Harry Reid’s Deep Throat, “the new birthers”, kudos to the Colorado Republican party, and productivity and wages in the public and private sectors. Continue reading

QOTD: Did You Ever Get a Speeding Ticket?

Today I was driving home on a surface street and saw not one but two speed traps, one on one block, one on the next. Motorcycle police. They each had a customer. This pairing seems wicked unfair, but it’s common around here (southern California). I guess they tag-team. Or just like to have someone to chat with.

I’ve only had one speeding ticket in my life. It too was wicked unfair, but yes, he did catch me fair and square going over the limit. But not by that much. Continue reading