The day is July 10, 1967. Donna is 22 years old and in Minneapolis and something happens. Something bad. Because Donna’s arrested, and she’s not happy about it. Continue reading
fun and games
It’s been a long hard week, what with the Olympics, Mars, pastrami-guacamole sandwiches, women with six pack abs, black socks at the gym and cats. It’s all over now, but one thing’s certain: you need a drink. Or several. Continue reading
This week is about you and your best selling memoir. Haven’t written it yet? No big deal; that’s too much work anyway. But let’s plan ahead and see what that book cover would look like. Continue reading
This week, let’s take a look at where we make our money. Or for those of us who don’t make money, let’s take a look at where we spend our days (don’t you dare say anything bad about my sofa). Continue reading
I’m always impressed by the level of intelligence among Crassholes. Well, maybe not always, but almost always. Usually. Sometimes. Continue reading
While I think it has taken time for many of us to swallow all the information offered in yesterday’s OT re: deep exploration of certain activities “down there,” tonight seems like the perfect time to push harder and thrust ourselves into a pictorial climax of sexual innuendo.
Your assignment is simple: go get Freudian and find the phallic and the yonic (yes, yonic, thank god for Google) in your home, office, yard or town and post the pictures here. If you’re too inhibited to expose your own personal euphemisms, feel free to scour the internets: there’s a world of wood and fur and pointy things out there just waiting for you to dive into (or onto, depending on your persuasion).
And when you’re done, don’t forget to wash your dirty little hands. Continue reading
This week, let’s see what kind of keys you carry around. Continue reading
Ah, the weekend is here once again and visually speaking, we all want to know what’s on your agenda. A wedding? Pool party? Shopping? Another intimate get together with your best friend alcohol? Continue reading
Imagine paying $13,000 for one square foot of property. Now imagine being so wealthy that you don’t even care. Continue reading
Are you watching that? Isn’t there something else on? Mind if I change the channel? Where’s the clicker? Continue reading