Daily Archives: April 12, 2012

8 posts

Catholic League Slams Those Who Adopt

The Catholic League, the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization (according to their website – I haven’t seen a study on this), is a group that “…defends the right of Catholics – lay and clergy alike – to participate in American public life without defamation or discrimination.” Okay. That’s nice. It’s awfully brave of you to stand up for the largest religious group in the United States. It’s inspiring me to form a group to stand up for the rights of meth manufacturers and users in California’s central valley. Continue reading

A Solid B+ for that “B” in Apartment 23

Well, if you didn’t know by now, quirky, uninhibited, “it” girls are the next best thing on television since Elaine Benes did her legendary spastic jig in a pantsuit. Yes, the lady who isn’t afraid to be smart and sassy, or to put it in more robust terms, a true “bitch” unapologetically, or a downright dweeby dork without fear of exposure — this is the 2012 female lead on television, and the women of Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt 23 are no exception. Continue reading

America’s Love Affair with Rick Santorum Comes to an End

On Tuesday, at a rail yard hobo-camp near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, not far from where old Zebulon Romney sold loads of defective beans to Union Army quarter-masters during the Civil War, news spread like cholera or wildfire or some other fast-spreading thing that Richard “Shoeless Dick” Santorum, the hobo senator, was ending his presidential campaign. The senator, wearing his trademark overalls and clutching a Big Gulp cup full of gin and Sprite, spoke before a small crowd of hobos, tramps, pimps, train-whores, steampunks, and blood plasma merchants. Tears and gin streaked his grimy face. Continue reading