Oh hello. Welcome back to the greatest show on Earth. Or at least the greatest show on Bravo, Wednesdays at 10pm EST. Well, maybe. So we got rid of two sugar dough slores we didn’t like last week. That felt pretty satisfying, didn’t it? You know what wasn’t as satisfying as it seemed like it might be? Gaygent Smith getting in touch with his inner bitch. He reached deep inside himself–deeper even than the other Gaygent Smith has reached inside him–and yet the bitchery that he produced paled in comparison to the scathing acid words that poured from Angry Montel’s lips. Angry Montel is Queen Bitch, and don’t you ever forget it. So, what’s going on this week? Well, take a flying leap, and I’ll tell you.
Daily Archives: October 12, 2011
As many of you know The Grand Inquisitor used to be a rocker girl in a previous, more fun life. This makes her think she is some kind of expert on girls who rock and so she is offering up this little list for your consideration. Note: the list does not contain hip-hop artists because I am not enough of a fan to do a proper list. I also excluded soul and dance music and stuck to the girls who like it harder because that is what The Grand Inquisitor knows and loves. However, here are ten rocker babes that you should have in your music collection. This isn’t exhaustive and is in no particular order. Continue reading
Country music traffics, at times, in some pretty tired stories about men and women, but it is crammed to the gills with talented women who have led fascinating lives. Here is a list of four women, whose careers cover the span of country recording, whose examples I would be proud to emulate. And with the exception of the first, they continue to write and perform today. Continue reading
For most woman the ultimate goal of dating is to find a nice, stable relationship with a man she can make a life with. I am not that woman. I really only want to make friends with a man for a night (or maybe a few nights) of casual fun before I get back to all of the crap I have to get done on any given day. Not only do I not have time for men, I won’t make it. It’s not that I don’t like men, I have great relationships with my male friends and co-workers, but I don’t want to hassle with a relationship and I don’t want one moving into my house. Since I am not in a relationship, I have to get my sweet lovin’ another way, and for me that is the one-night stand. Let me tell you how one works. Continue reading
Real women drink. Some real women drink more than others. But ALL real women drink certain things. Continue reading
Boss: Hey, have you heard back from Joe in Finance?
Enesbit15: Nope, sorry, I’ll call him again.
Wait, why did I just apologize? Continue reading
Today is the day of womanly things, and if there’s one thing we chicks like to talk about, it’s MEN! Amirite, ladies? Since this day that is about us is really all about you menfolk, I have created a handy how-to guide for picking up women. Now, I’m no Mystery, but I do know a thing or two about the ladies, since I am one. Now, you could just walk up and introduce yourself, but that would be way too easy and straightforward for modern dating. Instead, I have created for you a primer on how men can successfully approach women while avoiding the skeeviest moves. Continue reading
Last week we learned about the Eleven Habits of Highly Imposing Men. Well, good for them, standing in the corner smoking their cigarettes and looking all sorts of imposing. I’m here to share with you the Eight Habits Of Highly Intriguing Women. Eight? Yes, eight. Women are far more efficient than men, so we don’t need the extra three habits.
So what is a Highly Intriguing Woman? She is the woman who is both the life of the party, and the lifesaver of the office. She knows what she wants, and she knows how to get it. Something about bacon and frying pans. Well, you get the idea. Let’s get started, shall we? Continue reading
To say that I have never been very feminine is a bit of an understatement. Yeah, I had some Barbies and a lot of stuffed animals, but I also had more dinosaurs, Legos, and basketballs than any other girl I knew. I didn’t have a female best friend until high school; before that I preferred to play basketball, tackle football, wallball, or wrestle 2-on-1 (with me being the one) with the boys on my block. I was always one of the first ones picked for sports teams at recess and PE, and in the fourth grade I was universally recognized as the best wallball player to walk the blacktop. In other words, I was (and am) one of the world’s biggest tomboys. Continue reading
Do you need some ideas for what to watch after Crasstalk’s Day of Womanly Things? Why not start with these documentaries about women and women’s issues? Continue reading