Daily Archives: June 6, 2011

17 posts

Life, Death and Violence: A Study of June 6


This is the year 2111! Much has happened since the Zecronian triumphs of 2100-2105. The Crasstalk Nations have inflicted upon the Aquamaranian Zecronians great defeats, in open battle, alien-to-manchild. Our pre-destructive offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the Kuiper Belt and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war (by which we mean the ever glorious cheese biscuit bomb) and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory! Don’t blame me! I voted for Kodos! That is why we must fight! That is why we must win! Continue reading

YA Lit: The Lighter Side

It’s always nice to see YA lit in the news (not counting casting news for Hunger Games because oh my God, hasn’t this movie been finished yet?), but its latest appearance, in Meghan Cox Gurdon’s Wall Street Journal piece entitled “Darkness Too Visible,” might just be its most contentious yet. (You can read Publishers Weekly‘s rebuttal here, Salon‘s here, and you can find links to about a zillion others by going to the fascinating Twitter topic that emerged as a result of the WSJ piece, #YAsaves.) Continue reading

Google’s Person of the Year, Rick Santorum, is Running For President…Officially

Oh, joy! This is exactly what we all need…another batshit, crazy dude who wants to run our country, especially one who’s homophobic, racist, and just generally some sort of nutty political wombat. The GOP is just awesome at hand-picking their representatives.

Rick Santorum announces that he’s joining the latest in “all star” candidates in a run for the presidency. Continue reading

This Is What The U.S. AIDS Epidemic Looks Like

In the 30 years since the first cases of HIV were diagnosed, it has been said that the disease is no longer a death sentence. I’m sure this statement is probably more true in the United States than other countries. Here’s the interesting thing: AIDS is probably more prevalent in your town than you think. Don’t believe me? Check out AIDSVu, the most detailed publicly available look at HIV cases throughout the U.S. Continue reading

Game of Thrones Recap: Just A Little War, Silly

Remember how we left last week with all kinds of double crosses and betrayals happening… yes, well, that basically means that every Stark associate in residence at King’s Landing is fit for the killing, and we begin with exactly that. There is all kinds of bloody mayhem, and as Arya and Sansa go about their day oblivious to the murder amongst them, we are indeed fearful for their very lives. We watch as all is serene until Holy Slicing Ginsu! Stab, stab, stake, slash, kill, kill, dead, dead. Oh, yes, King’s Landing is no place for a Stark.

Continue reading

Crasstalk Interviews Shake The Devil Off Author Ethan Brown

Those of us living in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005 dealt with a number of challenges in the aftermath: where to live, how to rebuild, and how to cope with the changes in the city. In the midst of rebuilding their lives, New Orleanians were stunned by the suicide of Zack Bowen in October of 2006 and even more shocked by the event preceding it: the horrific murder of his girlfriend, Addie Hall.

The city, once again, was under a microscope after the crime. Nearly every news organization focused on the grisly details of the crime; some poked fun, some tried to extrapolate meaning, but few dug deep into the background of the two people involved and tried to find a real answer for how their lives ended in the ways they did. Ethan Brown, after writing an article about the murder for Penthouse, packed up and moved to the French Quarter to try to answer the questions so many had. Continue reading