Weiner Cops to Sending Pics

In a press conference full of tears, regret, and abject humiliation, Anthony Weiner has admitted to conversing with and sending several lewd pictures to six women via Twitter and Facebook, some dating back as far as three years ago.

In a tear-filled statement, the Congressman admits to taking the pictures, sending them, and then lying about them over the course of the last week. He says he panicked and kept making poor decisions until he realized that he was hurting people with his lies. He emphatically apologized to his wife, family, and staff for his poor judgement, and for what he states is a “dumb” mistake. The picture that started the flurry of media coverage was sent to a woman in Seattle who he’s had repeated contact with.

When asked, Weiner stated that he’s not resigning and plans to work very hard to regain his constituent’s trust, but he understands if many become wary of voting for him in light of his admission of guilt and this “personal failing.” He also denies using federal resources in his correspondence, but then backtracked and stated that he doesn’t believe that he used any federal outlets. I have a feeling this will certainly be investigated.

With regard to the women, he states that there was no actual, physical contact, but he won’t deny any statements they make regarding their relationships with him, and states clearly that blackmail was not the catalyst for his coming forward. However, interestingly, when asked if he knew the ages of the women he sexted…at first he said he believed they were at least 21, but that he really can’t be certain. Oh, Weiner. Yeah.

It was an emotional, candid press conference, more than slightly reminiscent of the Spitzer confession. The media pounced with verve, and throughout the frenzy at times the Congressman became flustered and audibly choked up. He was very much the picture of  “disgraced politician” we’ve become all too familiar with.

In a bizarre lead in, Andrew Breitbart, the conservative publisher responsible for leaking several pictures of Weiner today in compromising positions, claimed the stage moments before the Congressman and demanded an apology in some sort of “Don’t shoot the messenger” statement.  Which Weiner eventually gave. *sigh.*

Weiner maintains that this scandal will not impact his ability to get things done in Washington…but, oh, boy. That’s such a huge delusion.

He states at this point he and his wife Huma have no plans to separate and will weather this together.

Moral of this story: Don’t ever send a dick pic to anyone, ever.

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