Daily Archives: June 3, 2011

18 posts

Opening Weekend: Mutants Let Their Freak Flags Fly

There’s only one wide release movie opening this weekend, so be prepared for total, absolute X-Men domination. Will it be enough to fill theater seats, keep people entertained, and bring more to the table than some blond dude swinging a Viking hammer and calling itself a movie? Well, so far, all reports say, yes.

What will you say when someone asked you where you were the weekend of June 3, 2011? Continue reading

Photo Phriday: Show your College Spirit

Two Photo Phridays in one week, isn’t this special. For this spirited occasion, I want to see your school spirit. Show how much you care for your college. If you didn’t attend one of those overpriced degree factories, show us what school you hold dear.

I’ll start with three:

Yuck Fale. The first one is the back of a t-shirt our student government commissioned to honor the Princeton v. Yale game my sophomore year. The design is a Yale Bulldog being roasted over a fire. We have a little tradition at Ole Nassau that if we beat Harvard and Yale in the same year we celebrate with a bonfire. It had been well over a decade since our last bonfire, we were hungry and all knew 2006 would be the year. Our football team was on a rampage – by the Yale game, they were 7-1 and had edged out previously undefeated Harvard a few weeks earlier.

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Are Perms Back?

When the 1980s ended, I, like most women, thought I’d said goodbye to permanent waves forever. I grew out my final perm in 1993 and switched to a more natural look. My friends and I experimented with straightening irons and laughed at our “big eighties hair” in old pictures.

Imagine my surprise when I saw an article about perm revival in the NY Times. “It’s got to be a joke,” I thought. I did a search on Google and found many other articles about permanents. I was in shock, much like my mother must have been when flared jeans came back in style. Continue reading

Easy Rules for Making and Using Strong Passwords

China’s been up to some shenanigans this week, no?  Actually, China’s up to shenanigans every week but it doesn’t usually make the news.  Regardless, it’s a good time to review your internet security practices!  Kind of like when the neighbor’s house burns down and you go through your apartment checking all your smoke alarms and fire extinguishers for the first time in two years.

So today, let’s talk about passwords.  We all have them!  Probably far more than we’d like to have.  They’re also just about the only thing standing between us and A Great Big Bad Day.  Getting your online accounts hacked sucks.  Just ask Anthony Weiner. Continue reading

Care, Feeding, and Disposal of Books

Yes, disposal. Are you shrieking NO! NEVER!? Bursting into tears? Wondering where I live so you can bomb my house?

Let me explain, using trees as an example. Trees have life-spans. Certain types of maple live for about 75 years, then they die and must be cut down. Sometimes it’s wise to cut it down when it’s just very sick.

For books it’s not an exact comparison, but it does happen that eventually a can book get very worn, very dirty, very mildewed. At that time, you should put it in the paper recycle (read details for your local garbage collection, some places want you to remove the hard board covers of a hardback book). Continue reading

QOTD: Your Wackiest Dreams

Last night, I had a dream.

I dreamed I was still living in my parents’ home (horrors!) and that I desperately needed a place to live that was not too expensive. As luck would have it, I heard of a community that was apparantly located near Columbus Circle that boasted vast, beautiful, fully furnished apartments. For cheap!

I moved in, and called the owner because something was leaking. Turns out, the owner was Elton John, and he did all repairs himself. He wore sunglasses and overalls. Continue reading