
2 posts

Opening Weekend: Mutants Let Their Freak Flags Fly

There’s only one wide release movie opening this weekend, so be prepared for total, absolute X-Men domination. Will it be enough to fill theater seats, keep people entertained, and bring more to the table than some blond dude swinging a Viking hammer and calling itself a movie? Well, so far, all reports say, yes.

What will you say when someone asked you where you were the weekend of June 3, 2011? Continue reading

Opening Weekend: Hanging With Mr. Cooper

You know who only did one bachelor party movie? Tom Hanks. He has two Oscars. I’m almost positive if you were to ask Tom how many bachelor party movies you should ever make in your career, he’d probably give you that “Tom Hanks” face and say, “Well, probably just the one.” Heh. Tom. He’s so right, always.

Wanna know who never considered just the one? Yeah, the boys who made The Hangover.

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