It’s the end(ish) of Monday. Not a moment too soon. Continue reading
Daily Archives: May 23, 2011
“On a sliding scale of sexuality I’d place myself around 80-20, but I definitely prefer men to women,” the 51-year-old musician says. “I had sex with, and enjoyed sex with, women until I met someone that I fell in love with, and who is now my boyfriend. That’s the only real news in the last 12 years, but when it’s a slow news day I get dragged out of some closet again.”
I’m going to file this under sour grapes since Out of Time was the first compact disc I ever owned. I’d have traded the shiny (and large) compact disc player I got with it for a role model growing up. The 90’s were rough – yo. The Kinsey Scale has been published since 1948 and has over time become the de facto standard for measuring the scope of human sexuality. Stipe’s 80% claim places him somewhere between a ‘Kinsey 4’ and a ‘Kinsey 5’. Michael Stipe Is 80% Gay [The Advocate]
Recently, noted drunken degenerate, soulless ginger and Crasstalk contributor Furiously Red wrote an article about how she had penis envy (Here). I found Red’s article both thoughtful and insightful, but it clearly showed she has no idea what having a penis entails. This is my rebuttal. Continue reading
This week on Thrones we look more deeply into all that glitters. What is a gold crown really worth? Can it bring down a kingdom, or save it? Some certainly seem to think it has the answers many men seek.
And we’re inclined to agree. Let’s see how the golden crown works its magic.
Some Crassers have been concerned lately about what’s bad for their pets to eat, and just how much is really horrible. The bad news: there are a lot of things that will poison your cat or dog. The good news: it usually takes a lot to do harm. So here’s a helpful guide to what’s going to cause you to clean up gallons of vomit and what you can do in an emergency.
You can find a comprehensive list here, but we’ll focus on the most common things, and some of the less common things that can cause big problems. Continue reading
Summer TV gets a bad rap. I should know; I’m one of those people who’s always hated it. But have you really taken a look at summer’s offerings recently? I mean really looked, beyond shows like Wipeout and Generic Reality Show: Fifth Season of Jackassery. Because ya know what? Somehow, while we were busy actually getting some sun and fresh air, summer TV was out getting…kinda good. Sure, it’s good in a super trashy, intellect-free sort of way–especially now that Mad Men won’t be airing until 2012–but really, isn’t throwing seriousness to the wind what summer is all about?
The phone rings: it’s the love of your life, the president of your PTA, your Mother. It’s someone with a free pass to make a small imposition and announce themselves or guests on short notice.
If you’re like me, all the laundry is clean and very neatly laid out over the love seat in the living room. All 42 loads. The camping gear is in the kitchen in some stage of being cleaned for the next trip. The stack of catalogs and mail in the entryway has been knocked over and haphazardly restacked yet again. Today’s QOTD:
The following is part three of my personal account of Gastic Bypass surgery. This will cover your long term diet, possible side effects and complications and a few words of advice for anyone considering the procedure. My wife took a picture of me a couple days ago just for this article. It is located at the bottom. No cheating and scrolling ahead.
When I was a teenager, I snored like a chainsaw. I know this because one time my stepdad came from another room in the middle of the night to wake me up and tell me that my snoring woke him up. I wasn’t overweight, because I didn’t start putting on the pounds until I had gotten past high school. I’m telling you this because it was very weird that I stopped snoring about a month after the surgery. Continue reading
Four Books Enter. Two Books Leave. What are we reading? You decide. BANG! You’re dead. Continue reading
From Wikipedia: An entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits based on established rights or legislation. A “right” is itself an entitlement associated with a moral or social principal such that an “entitlement” is a provision made in accordance with legal framework of a society.