The most suspension of disbelief-centric teen-mystery-drama is back. We left last week’s episode with the re-emergence of the mystery woman in red + the hit and run of Detective Wilden + Spencer’s almost heat stroke from being imprisoned in her high-tech sauna. You know, typical teenage stuff on a Tuesday night. Continue reading
Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little Liars returned a few weeks back from its mid-season break. We’re into episode 20 of season three and the most inappropriate relationships for a teenage-centric show are still going strong. Continue reading
Summer TV gets a bad rap. I should know; I’m one of those people who’s always hated it. But have you really taken a look at summer’s offerings recently? I mean really looked, beyond shows like Wipeout and Generic Reality Show: Fifth Season of Jackassery. Because ya know what? Somehow, while we were busy actually getting some sun and fresh air, summer TV was out getting…kinda good. Sure, it’s good in a super trashy, intellect-free sort of way–especially now that Mad Men won’t be airing until 2012–but really, isn’t throwing seriousness to the wind what summer is all about?