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Michael Stipe Hasn’t Heard of the Kinsey Scale

“On a sliding scale of sexuality I’d place myself around 80-20, but I definitely prefer men to women,” the 51-year-old musician says. “I had sex with, and enjoyed sex with, women until I met someone that I fell in love with, and who is now my boyfriend. That’s the only real news in the last 12 years, but when it’s a slow news day I get dragged out of some closet again.”

I’m going to file this under sour grapes since Out of Time was the first compact disc I ever owned. I’d have traded the shiny (and large) compact disc player I got with it for a role model growing up. The 90’s were rough – yo. The Kinsey Scale has been published since 1948 and has over time become the de facto standard for measuring the scope of human sexuality. Stipe’s 80% claim places him somewhere between a ‘Kinsey 4’ and a ‘Kinsey 5’. Michael Stipe Is 80% Gay [The Advocate]