It’s been a long, cold winter, but Midnight Movie Reviews is back with an all new installment for summer 2015!
Read on to see which blockbusters are getting your hard earned dollars this summer. Continue reading
It’s been a long, cold winter, but Midnight Movie Reviews is back with an all new installment for summer 2015!
Read on to see which blockbusters are getting your hard earned dollars this summer. Continue reading
Summer TV gets a bad rap. I should know; I’m one of those people who’s always hated it. But have you really taken a look at summer’s offerings recently? I mean really looked, beyond shows like Wipeout and Generic Reality Show: Fifth Season of Jackassery. Because ya know what? Somehow, while we were busy actually getting some sun and fresh air, summer TV was out getting…kinda good. Sure, it’s good in a super trashy, intellect-free sort of way–especially now that Mad Men won’t be airing until 2012–but really, isn’t throwing seriousness to the wind what summer is all about?