
16 posts
Personal goal: To incorporate Beverly Hills, 90210 into at least 85% of my posts.

Romeo & Juliet in 24 Gifs

Romeo & Juliet QuoteWas William Shakespeare the original Nicholas Sparks? No. But the Bard of Avon was an expert at writing tragic teen romance. Romeo and Juliet is a story of young love, passion, and what happens when parents just don’t understand. The epic saga has captured our hearts for over 400 years. After the jump, we retell the lovers’ tale in the one modern language that can truly communicate our deepest emotions: animated gifs.

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Schmidt’s Top Eight Greatest Jewish Quotes

MaxGreenfieldWhether he’s filling his party bus with kosher yogurt (kosher yog) or naming his unborn child in honor of the little-known rabbi Menachem Menandel Schmerson (I hear he was based out of Philadelphia), New Girl‘s Schmidt is constantly coming up with Jewish one-liners funny enough to make you laugh until you’re verklempt. As Schmidt would say, “I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is like a unique experience.” In honor of Chanukah, here’s a list of Schmidt’s 8 Greatest Jewish Quotes, one to make each night of Chanukah a unique experience.

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How to Prevent Razor Burn

Adv_for_womens_shavingI’ve always had sensitive skin. But for unknown reasons, my legs decided to stage a revolt against the Tyranny of Shaving sometime in college and started to break out in awful bumps every time I shaved. Thus began years of searching for a razor burn cure.

I tried switching to Veet. I tried shaving with the grain. I tried shaving with baby oil instead of shaving cream. No matter what I tried, a day or two later, my skin was still prone to breaking out in those oh-so-attractive red razor bumps. With Labor Day weekend coming up, there’s a few more weeks to bare those legs on a beach somewhere, so I thought I’d share the shaving routine I’ve found works best for me to prevent razor burn and get rid of razor bumps if they do appear. Continue reading

Six Surprising Film & TV Quotes that Have Infiltrated Everyday Speech

Clueless Quote Way Harsh Tai

Chances are a day doesn’t go by without you quoting a movie or TV show at least once. It’s not unexpected when that quote is an “exxxcellent” running gag from The Simpsons. Or a flash-in-the-pan quote du jour that will peter out by summer’s end. (Remember “Show me the money”?) But sometimes, the lasting power of a quote takes you by surprise. These 6 notable quotables from film and television continue to roll off tongues today: Continue reading

QOTD: Do You Think We’re Meant to be with One Person for a Lifetime?

TiMER is a sci-fi romantic comedy (yes, you read that right) set in a world that has developed the technology to predict when you’ll meet your soulmate down to the very second. The film explores the anxiety behind wanting to be certain that the person you’re with is The One and whether there is value in a relationship that will not last a lifetime.

I recently got asked the following 3 questions which made me come back to these themes: Continue reading

Motorcycles are Lame but These 5 Cycles Aren’t

It’s time to face some harsh truths. Motorcycles aren’t sexy. They’re noisy, dangerous, and inspire middle-aged men to ride around in tank tops sans helmets. Even The Fonz had trouble maintaining his cool veneer when crashing his motorcycle into a chicken stand.

It’s time to trade out those motorcycles for something better and brighter. To fill the space in your heart where you once parked your hog, here are 5 cycles that put motorcycles to shame: Continue reading

Six Sexiest Cartoon Crushes

Whether in the wee hours of the morning or the late nights of Adult Swim, 2D beauties have graced our TVs for as long as we can remember. But we don’t have to be shallow just because they lack a dimension. These toons’ brains, hearts, and occasional super powers give them depth beyond the flat screen.

Six sexy sketches after the jump.
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Catchiest Chanukah Songs

There have been a lot of holiday playlists going around, some focusing on The Good, and some focusing on The Bad, but all focusing on one particular holiday. With Chanukah less than a month away, what’s a Nice Jewish Boy or Girl to listen to? To bring a little diversity to your mixtape and give you a break from ringing your sleighbells, here’s a list of the Catchiest Chanukah Songs: Continue reading