mean girls

2 posts

Six Surprising Film & TV Quotes that Have Infiltrated Everyday Speech

Clueless Quote Way Harsh Tai

Chances are a day doesn’t go by without you quoting a movie or TV show at least once. It’s not unexpected when that quote is an “exxxcellent” running gag from The Simpsons. Or a flash-in-the-pan quote du jour that will peter out by summer’s end. (Remember “Show me the money”?) But sometimes, the lasting power of a quote takes you by surprise. These 6 notable quotables from film and television continue to roll off tongues today: Continue reading

The Friend That I Hate

I love you. I hate you.

I had coffee the other day with a friend I kind of hate.

Yes, yes, it’s been pointed out to me: we may have to discuss my understanding of the word “friend”.  I still haven’t fully figured out why, and have often lamented this fact, but for some reason, for my entire life, I’ve always had one friend that I actually–truth be told–despise.   When I mention this to people, “You know how you always have that one friend you can’t stand?”, they stare, blankly.  Clearly, this isn’t a common phenomenon.  We do have to discuss my understanding of the word “friend”. Continue reading