
3 posts

QOTD: No, Really, ‘Tis Better to Receive

Oh hi there! Are you stressed out? Got a lot on your plate? Have so much to think about that you couldn’t possibly add anything else into the mix? Too bad, because Chanukah and Christmas are in less than three weeks! Gift-buying stress and impending family gatherings for everybody!

Fortunately, there’s at least one very, very good part about those two holidays, because really, who doesn’t like free stuff? And so, to get us in the gift-receiving spirit, today’s Question of the Day: What’s the best gift you received in 2011? Continue reading

Catchiest Chanukah Songs

There have been a lot of holiday playlists going around, some focusing on The Good, and some focusing on The Bad, but all focusing on one particular holiday. With Chanukah less than a month away, what’s a Nice Jewish Boy or Girl to listen to? To bring a little diversity to your mixtape and give you a break from ringing your sleighbells, here’s a list of the Catchiest Chanukah Songs: Continue reading