Schmidt’s Top Eight Greatest Jewish Quotes

MaxGreenfieldWhether he’s filling his party bus with kosher yogurt (kosher yog) or naming his unborn child in honor of the little-known rabbi Menachem Menandel Schmerson (I hear he was based out of Philadelphia), New Girl‘s Schmidt is constantly coming up with Jewish one-liners funny enough to make you laugh until you’re verklempt. As Schmidt would say, “I’m like a sexual snowflake. Each night with me is like a unique experience.” In honor of Chanukah, here’s a list of Schmidt’s 8 Greatest Jewish Quotes, one to make each night of Chanukah a unique experience.

1. Because the Maccabees were the Original Ganstas.

Schmidt: Oh, a menorah! Judaism, son.

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2. Her middle name is Rebecca.

Schmidt, referring to Nick’s mysterious Bar Crush: Go get her.
Nick: I can’t do that.I can’t talk to Thirsty.
Schmidt: Thirsty?
Nick: I don’t know her name, so I call her Thirsty. Thirsty Mendelson.
Schmidt: Aw, you made her Jewish?
Nick: I didn’t make her Jewish.
Schmidt: Mendelson?
Nick: Well, Thirsty –
Schmidt: She’s not Jewish? If her last name’s Mendelson, she’s Jewish. Tell you what her first name is, too – It’s Rachel.

3. It’s not the schmattas that make the man.

Schmidt: I didn’t want to make this about me, but the airline lost my bag. I wanted to look fantastic for your father’s funeral. Now, I have nothing but the schmatta on my back.

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4. Other 13-year-olds settle for an SNL-themed celebration.

Elizabeth at Cece’s wedding: The groom comes in on a white horse.
Schmidt: So basically they’re just copying my bar mitzvah.

5. Because you’ll always be your mother’s little boy.

Schmidt: It’s my pishy! I have to pish.

6. Because bagel, cream cheese, and lox never sounded so erotic.

Cece: That was the last time, OK? This is over.
Schmidt: But we haven’t even gotten to the cheese course. A little sharp-aged cheddar. Mm-hmm. Manchego. Some buttery Gruyère. You sure you want to miss out? I’m going to slowly peel the wax off your baby bells. How about a little stinky Taleggio?
Cece: Why is this working? I’m so turned on right now.
Schmidt: Or maybe some cream cheese. Want some schmear, Cece?

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7. Because “Mazel Tov” can be the Jewish version of “Bless your heart.”

Schmidt, sarcastic after finding out Nick and Jess kissed: Mazel tov to the both of you.

8. Because going out for Chinese food on the 25th sounds a lot less stressful.

Schmidt: This is my last Christian Christmas.

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May the flames of your menorahs burn as brightly as a thousand spinning flamethrowers. Happy Chanukah!

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