Happy Saturday! It’s been a while since we have done a Saturday night movie so tonight I have a special treat courtesy of the Internet Archives. This is The Legend of Boggy Creek, a classic horror docudrama from 1972. The movie examines the legend about a swamp monster in rural Arkansas. The movie has appearances by a number of the locals who had claimed to see the monster and also contains reenactments of alleged encounters with the creature. It’s actually pretty damn creepy. The movie is an obvious inspiration for later horror movies, most notably The Blair Witch Project. The movie spawned four sequels including one that was so good it was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000.
So enjoy tonight’ feature, since this is a drive in post let’s start off with a cartoon. This is Hair Raising Hare, a 1946 Bugs Bunny classic where we find out that monsters are such interesting people.
And now our feature presentation.