The Avenger Controller was originally developed as an add-on to a standard Xbox or Playstation controller. It allows those with disabilities to play the games they love with minimal hand movements. Its inventor, David Kotkin was inspired by a student in his class that experienced difficulty playing due to skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, a hereditary condition which makes skin sensitive, blister easily, and sometimes affects hand size. The Avenger was rightly lauded as opening up gaming to a market that is often overlooked. Additionally, the general public, currently in love with multiplayer games, and a growing interest in competitive gaming brought the device to the general public and sales took off.
Unfortunately, this success may be short lived due in part to Paul Christoforo, President of Ocean Marketing. Ocean Marketing was given the duty of distributing the product but they’ve been plagued with delays (either shipping or customs. It’s difficult to tell if it’s either one or both. You’ll see why.) A customer named Dave wanted to know the status of his order and so sent an email to Ocean. What resulted from this inquiry has threatened to destroy what is arguably a useful and effective game peripheral. Here are some gems from the exchange:
[On news that new orders would receive $10 discount on the controller:]
“no one is allowed to cancel and re order if we catch anyone doing it we will simply just cancel your order all together and you can buy it retail somewhere else. “
[When told the email chain was passed on the Gaming News sites:]
“Really … Welcome to the Internet ? Son Im 38 I wwebsite as on the internet when you were a sperm in your daddys balls and before it was the internet, thanks for the welcome to message wurd up. Grow up you look like a complete child bro. I Don’t have my controller so im gonna cry to the world … Really ?”
[In response to Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade banning Ocean from all future Pax Events:]
Ill be on the floor anyway so come find me , I’m born and raised in Boston I know the people who run the city inside and out watch the way you talk to people you never know who they know it’s a small industry and everyone knows everyone. Your acting like a douchbag not that it matters pax east pax west , e3 , CES , Gamer Con , SSXW ,Comic Con, Germany I’m all over the place. If we want to be there we will be there with industry badges or with a booth you think I can’t team up with turtle beach , Callibur or Koy Christmas… I’ll see space where ever I want , with who I want when I want and where I want so many ways around you and so many connections in this industry its silly. Anyway , I have no issue with you Sean Buckley Engadget, Scott Lowe IGN and the list goes on and on.
This story has legs now and thanks to internet detectives at Reddit and it has been revealed that this isn’t the first time Paul has gone off on a customer, Ocean Marketing’s site heavily plagiarizes other articles and their own site copy, and Paul is a scary clown that feeds on children’s happy thoughts.
So far, IGN’s Scott Lowe and Epic Games have both disavowed any connection to Ocean Marketing while nerd luminaries such as Wil Wheaton take time to spread the word to their followers. Meanwhile, Paul has taken to Twitter, retweeting some of his “favorite” negative comments and lashing out at Scott Lowe. When that failed to elicit the reaction he hoped for, Ocean’s handle changed from @OceanMarketting (actual spelling) to @OceanStratagy (also the actual spelling). This resulted in someone picking up the previous handle and turning it against Ocean, as they forgot to update their blog [UPDATE: This site has crashed] with the new feed.
Unfortunately, there has been no word from David Kotkin and negative reviews continue to pile up on Amazon for the controller add-on, which until recently was receiving high praise. Hopefully, the right people will take notice and try to reverse the damage caused by one douchebag with a distribution agreement and questionable spelling ability.
Update: Penny Arcade has an update on their site.