
36 posts

How to Properly Pick Up Chicks

Today is the day of womanly things, and if there’s one thing we chicks like to talk about, it’s MEN! Amirite, ladies? Since this day that is about us is really all about you menfolk, I have created a handy how-to guide for picking up women. Now, I’m no Mystery, but I do know a thing or two about the ladies, since I am one. Now, you could just walk up and introduce yourself, but that would be way too easy and straightforward for modern dating. Instead, I have created for you a primer on how men can successfully approach women while avoiding the skeeviest moves. Continue reading

The Cougar Life Song is the Catchiest Jingle Ever Written

Don’t be shy, we know you’ve heard of it. The upstanding citizens at help connect ladies with younger men. It’s a simple formula but not one that mainstream outlets like to promote. But thanks to the world’s catchiest jingle they will get into your head and stay there until you suddenly find yourself going to YouTube and putting it on repeat. Continue reading

Creepy Things Dudes Have Said While Hitting On Me

This is America, 2011. We have our first mixed-race president. There are actual commercials now which feature interracial couples. But people are still really stupid when it comes to race relations, particularly the kind of relations where you are trying to get into someone else’s pants.

Since I live in an extremely diverse neighborhood, in an extremely diverse city, and am pretty ambiguously ethnic, as well as being totally hot (and modest!), I’ve had my fair share of amazingly creepy, and sometimes just slightly racist pick-up lines thrown at me. I’m sure some of the more attractive of you have experienced the same. So let’s break a few of the more common lines down and analyze them. Continue reading

I Found the Long Island Serial Killer on OKCupid

So guys, I found the Long Island Serial Killer (or rather, he found me) over the weekend and then sicced him on furiously_red last night. 

I’m on the dating site OKCupid and received a standard message on Friday from a guy saying he liked my profile, I was cute, etc. However, his screename was YankeesFan, which gave me pause as a) I am a diehard Mets fan and b) I find Yankees fans to be insufferable (present company excluded, of course. Except people who drive ’92 Buick LeSabres). Continue reading

I Finally Found a “Serious Christian” Girl on OKCupid

As you probably know, online dating sites only attract the most smartest and least emotionally troubled people on the internets. And no dating site attracts more emotionally healthy individuals than OKCupid, the free dating site that was founded by awful, awful nerds who should never have been let out of their mom’s basement.

Recently OKCupid recommended a hottie who, in her profile, describes her religious beliefs as “Christianity and very serious about it.” Continue reading

The Tale of the Man Who Refuses to Take a Hint

About a year ago, I decided to give online dating a shot. One of my girlfriends has been utilizing it, and though not all of her dates were winners, she seemed to be having fun. I thought, “What the hell?” I didn’t put much effort into my profile because, really, I wasn’t expecting much. Continue reading

Online Dating Profiles for Dummies

Hello!  You must be new here.  I bet you’ve never tried online dating before.  Of course you haven’t—who is really that desperate?  Well, not you.  Except now, maybe you’re feeling a little lonely and, after all, everyone uses online dating these days!  No shame in it, my friend.  So let’s get started.

Perhaps you should mention this right away.  Nothing says, “I’m not desperate” like starting off your profile with something meant to emphasize how very Not Desperate you are.  There are a few ways to accomplish this:

1)    “I’m not really sure how to write one of these profile thingies, so here goes!”

2)    “I am new to town and just looking to meet some new people to hang out with!  It’s not like I’m here because I can’t get a date because I totally can!  People definitely do not think I am weird and socially awkward in person.  That is not why I am using an online dating site.  What is wrong with you that you think this way?  Do you want to meet for drinks later?  You have a pretty smile.  Just as friends?  Oh, okay.”

Next, you are going to want to tell your prospective partners how totally laid-back and down-to-earth you are.  No one wants someone who is high-strung!  Have you ever heard the bachelor tell the camera how much he adores that girl because she is so high-maintenance and a total space cadet?  Obviously not.  So please, tell the audience that you are laid back.  You enjoy “chilling.”  Chillaxing, maybe even, if you are looking for a partner who is down with The Slang!  Got the 411 all up in herr!  This is perhaps a good place to insert an “LOL” or an emoticon, preferably 🙂 or 😉 but definitely not 😛 because we want to save that wily tongue for at least the fifth date.  We are classy like that.  I mean, if you were looking for casual sex, you’d use Craigslist, amirite?!  No matter that you did try Craigslist and failed to get any responses that did not come from prostitutes or spambots, but it’s not like you’re going to put that in your dating profile.  You should probably leave that out.

Next, you need to inform your prospective partner that you love to travel.  This makes you sound exotic and exciting, even if you’ve only ever been to Davenport.  They have a different kind of grocery store there that is not the Piggly Wiggly so that makes it something of a foreign land.  This brings us to eating, which is also an approved topic.  You will imply that you will eat pretty much anything, even though in reality you subsist on Diet Coke, fudgesicles and bourbon.  You do not want to scare people away by telling them anything that might be remotely close to the truth, after all.  This is also a good time to bring up your love of cooking.  Well, of course you love cooking!  You watch Paula Deen pretty much every day while partaking in a light snack of Apple Jacks interspersed with bong rips.  Thus, you have a love of cooking.  Note that you have not actually said, “I love to cook and am good at it.”  You are therefore not lying.  Legalese is your friend.

Now is also not a good time to mention that you live in your parents’ basement and spend your days playing World of Warcraft between shifts at Chick-Fil-A.  You should make a vague mention of your job in sales, which you love because you just adore working with people.  Again, you’re not exactly lying, and everyone loves a people-lover.  There are no antisocial people on dating websites, that’s for sure.  And if there are, you definitely want to weed them out.

You should probably take a minute now to go put some more Easy Mac in the microwave and take a little break.  We’re getting down to the nitty-gritty and you’re going to need sustenance.  Also, your little brother will be home soon and he will probably eat that last packet if you don’t get to it first, and Mom isn’t going grocery shopping for like another four days or something.

I almost forgot; please include that you love sarcasm.  Everyone loves a sarcastic bitch/sonofabitch.  A dry, mocking voice just has that je ne sais quoi that makes the panties drop.  So make sure you throw that one in there.  And you have a good sense of humor.  Not like all of those other super unfunny people out in Online Dating Land.  They are definitely not writing, “I have a sarcastic sense of humor” on their profiles.  This is truly virgin ground.  Oh, and about that virginity.  You should probably write something like, “I’m looking for someone to just hang out with” rather than “please at least give me a hand job—after all, I plan to buy you at least two Miller Lites and that shit ain’t cheap!”  Women and men like a little mystery.  In this vein, send messages that are one-word only, such as, “Sup.”  This is a subtle and effective way to demonstrate your interest, and, generally speaking, bitches be loving the “sup.”  It conveys everything and yet, nothing at all.  Mystery.

If you want good responses, you have to have a good profile!  After all, people primarily read the text that accompanies profiles.  They most definitely do not just flip through photos looking for the one girl with tons of eyeliner and pouty duck-lips and conspicuous tattoos and bangs that pretty much cover her face but maybe she kind of looks like Zooey Deschanel from that angle?  No, people use online dating because they like to read the text. Which is why you’re here with me, marinating in my sage advice like a chicken cutlet in some ginger and soy sauce.  You’ll thank me later.

How Not to End a Relationship

So this one time I got dumped for Jesus.

Not exactly in a sexy way.  Well, I guess it’s possible that this guy was fucking some Latin dude named Jesus, but I find that to be somewhat unlikely—I have totally awesome gaydar!  He was cute, funny, and made a shit ton of money.  I have never been a very good gold-digger, as I tend to gravitate toward men who think a bed frame is an unnecessary expense and who appear to subsist entirely on ramen noodles and PBR.  It did seem, though, that it might be nice for once to not have to be the one buying the Chipotle.  Maybe even go to a movie!  You know, in a theater! All you really need to know about me can be summed up thusly: I am seduced by the promise of stale popcorn and box springs.

As you might guess, two months later, this gentleman began to perform the Fade Out®.  The Fade Out is a trademarked move used primarily by men between the ages of 14 and 60.  When employing the Fade Out, the man either slowly reduces the frequency of phone calls, text messages, and Facebook “likes” or, in extreme circumstances, ceases all of these activities immediately until the female on the receiving end does one of three things:

1)    Remembers something she maybe once heard about him not being that into her, stops calling, and moves on with her life.

2)    Continues to call and text unawares until giving up after one month to several years later and moving on with her life.

3)    Becomes increasingly obsessive in correlation to the decreasing frequency of phone calls and text messages, until one night she finds digging through his garbage and peering through his windows, since obviously he must be dead or at the very least stuck under something very heavy because it just DOES NOT MAKE SENSE THAT HE WOULD NOT CALL ME BACK AND OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME I AM GOING TO DIE ALONE.  Sob!

Actually, I lied.  There is really only one response that women have to the Fade Out.  It’s number 3.

So, dude pulled a Fade Out.  I should really not have been surprised by this.  This was a man who paid for his Lexus, house and apartment (yes, I’m a whore for popcorn and real estate) working in mergers and acquisitions for a very large healthcare company.  One so large, in fact, that it was my healthcare company.  Basically, this is the guy who lived solely buy out smaller insurers so that his company could get a bigger market share, driving out competition and doubtlessly contributing directly to exorbitant cost of the $11,000 tonsillectomy that I had soon after we broke up.  The one I could have gotten for $20 from a back-alley doctor in Tijuana.  I mean, I could have probably done it myself with a pair of scissors, a stapler, and a very large bottle of vodka, but when it comes to my healthcare, I’m all, “Jesus, take the wheel,” you know?

Oh, right, Jesus.  So a few weeks after he starts pulling the Fade Out, I gave in and called him (see #3 above).  And he answered!  My heart fluttered.

And then informed me that he was sorry he hadn’t called.  He had been busy at church because he had Found the Lord®.  This is a less-used but also trademarked move in which a man claims that Jesus has become his One and Only while in fact he is fucking another redhead.  Guy had a thing for gingers, apparently.  I know this because I saw it on Facebook, and the Book of Faces never lies.

C’est la vie, I guess.  He wasn’t a good, ahem, fit anyway.  (Zing!)

I don’t pretend to know why men love this Fade Out technique.  I don’t really know a lot about men, despite having three brothers.  Like, why do men always need to scratch their balls?  What could possibly make them so itchy?  Do they have mites or fleas or something?  And why do they believe that putting Gold Bond down their boxers is the Best Thing Ever?  If I did try to hazard a guess, I would venture that the appeal of the Fade Out probably has something (okay, everything) to do with it being the path of least resistance.  You meet a girl, like the girl, sex the girl up, and things are fine but then one night you find her steaming open your mail or drafting Save the Dates two weeks after you met and you figure that perhaps this is not meant to be.  Easier than having some kind of talk is just gradually ignoring phone calls and text messages, hoping that the problem will resolve itself.

Men (and women): this is a shitty way to end things.  It is also selfish.  Okay, sometimes I have done this, too.  But that is because I am a selfish person and probably a hypocrite.  Be ye not like me.

Now, friends, I do not dare say that this is the worst way to break up with someone.  I’m sure you all have been on the receiving end of worse break-up speeches and actions.  Even more, I would not be surprised if you all have done some terrible breaking-upping things yourselves.  So go ahead, tell me all about it…