343 posts

QOTD: What was your favorite song from 2013?

2013 really just feels like it was yesterday. So much so that the songs at the end of the year Billboard Top 100 are some of my go-to songs for the jukebox when I go to the bar.

JT put out his sorta double album that year, Drake had 4 singles in the Top 50 and “What the Fox Say?” inspired SNL bits and Halloween costumes that year. Continue reading

QOTD: What was your favorite song from 2012?

After looking at the end of the year Billboard list from 2012, I decided, there wasn’t very much I liked in 2010 and 2011 (though, in 2010 I literally listened to Jamie Lidell’s Compass for an entire year). The top 3 songs at the end of the year were Goyte’s “Someone That I Used to Know” Carly Rae Jepson’s “Call Me Maybe” and “We are Young” by fun. Katy Perry and Adele both have several songs on that list. Continue reading

QOTD: Does Every Pot Have a Lid?


Yesterday’s Blerg and Biz’s Blove Blog had people stirred up per usual. I happen to believe that the vast majority of pots do have lids out there. You just need to recognize what pot you are and what kinds of lids ‘fit’ you. Continue reading

QOTD: Yay or Nay to Honeymoon Funds?

In recent years, couples getting married have moved from the traditional household items registry to honeymoon registries. Honeymoon registries, offered by websites such as Honeyfund, Honeymoon Wishes and Wanderable, allow couples to set up a registry where the gift is a honeymoon related activity. For example, if Bob and Joe make a registry for a honeymoon in St. Lucia, they can register for activities (e.g. boat rides, couples massage), food and beverages (e.g. hotel champagne) or even travel-related items (e.g. camera, luggage). Continue reading