has asked this question in conjunction with stating America’s seemingly new found appreciation of the taco. They posit that at some point in the near future the taco will eclipse the burger as America’s favorite food (Pizza, you don’t count, apparently.)
They suggest that due to a rise in the Hispanic population; the increase in damnable hipsters; and because they’re cheaper — people want more tacos. And not just because they’re trendy and cheap, but because they’re more pleasing to consume since they have the potential to offer different tastes in one sitting due to the many taco merchants who offer a variety. Simply said, the consumer wants to eat them again and again within one meal. Conversely, burgers have become boring since it’s the same flavor, bite after bite.
And if we’re talking about a socioeconomic shift, burgers are more representative of what America used to be, big and bombastic, and sometimes decadent and extravagant when you create them out of expensive choices like Kobe beef, and add pricey cheeses or other non-traditional condiments (truffle oil, anyone?). Tacos are now more representative of our newly defined, recession-affected minimalist sensibilities. For instance, look at the growing popularity of the no muss, no fuss, “taco truck.”
Which do you think will reign supreme in America’s heart?
Tacos or Burgers?