Being an informed voter and voting is a precious right that we have in this country. Midterms matter and when it comes to midterms the Democrats, historically, have a poor record. Do not despair, as the saying goes, when we vote we win!
At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, this may be the most important election in recent history. Why? We are dangerously close to the Republicans controlling enough state governments to where they may successfully pass constitutional amendments.
Thanks to the renewed energy stemming from the 2016 election we are seeing an influx of promising newcomers in races where historically we have been complacent. The most important way to support them is at the ballot box!
Voting – the basics
The number one most important action you can take in making change is voting in every election. You can’t vote if you aren’t registered.
Stop right here and either register to vote here or verify your voter registration here. The good people at Vox have put together this handy infographic with state by state voter registration deadlines.
Understanding Your Ballot:
There is more on our ballots than voting for federal or statewide representatives. Local offices are crucial and also impact our day-to-day lives, including our judges and district attorneys. (While you’re here, check out the Meet your DA project.) Many ballots will hold statewide or local ballot measures. Essentially, every election we’re asked to make meaningful decisions on a range of people and topics. This can be overwhelming and confusing. Voter guides are an extremely helpful way of navigating all of the above. Use them. Here is the guide by the League of Women voters. However, there are many out there to choose from. Find the one that works for you.
Voter ID Requirements:
You may have additional requirements in order to actually cast your vote. Despite our best efforts, many states have now implemented voter ID laws. The folks at Vote Save America have created this handy map where you can confirm what may be required of you when you arrive at the polls.
Voting Plan:
Final step is to make your voting plan. The midterms are Tuesday, November 6th. Going to be out of town? Not sure if you’ll have a long day at the office? May have a last minute business trip? Sign up for an absentee ballot! Again, our friends at Vote Save America can help you sign up. Just click on your state for further information! Personally, enesbit loves going to the polling location and is fortunate enough to have the time and the ability to do so. A few days prior to every election she starts thinking about how she will make it to the polling location that Tuesday. Will she go before work? After work? Once she has decided when to go, she’ll confirm the where. She does so by going here. (Fun fact, her polling location moved between the 2016 presidential election and the 2018 primary election.) Need a ride to the polls, or know someone who could use a lift? There are many services that are offering rides! Carpool Vote, Lyft, and Uber. Those who make a voting plan are more likely to actually vote. Make your plan here!
Can’t wait to see those stickers on the 6th!
This will be part of a series of posts about all things politics.