Warner Bros thinks it’s possible the Oscars don’t need any more nutty dreamscapes; Sony Pictures believes Die Hard is meant for summer; Jennifer Lawrence maybe finds a Woody Allen (Yikes); Lindsay Lohan sleeps into a movie role; Madonna and Elton, that is all. Continue reading
Daily Archives: August 6, 2012
She’s a twentieth century fox. Continue reading
In the wake of the horrific shooting in Wisconsin which targeted a Sikh temple and the hundreds inside the place of worship, questions are beginning to mount whether or not the nation is taking this latest act of violence as seriously as the most recent ones in Colorado and Arizona. Continue reading
Happy (belated) Birthday Mr. President, Sandy Weill is sandy (with good reason), Harry Reid has giant brass ones, a big pile of Mitt, Gabby Douglas and flag lapel pins redux, government (un)employment, and all thing in moderation (except in Congress). Continue reading
Watch the trailer after the jump! Continue reading
Sorry for the tardiness of my post this week, I had important rum drinking business to attend to over the weekend.
Guess what Millennials? That soul-crushing unemployment is good for you!
Man, that chick is an utter asshole Continue reading
Well, now that the Chick-Fil-A brouhaha is dying down, you’re left still craving one of those delicious, fried chicken sandwiches. And probably down a couple friends on Facebook. What’s a hungry liberal to do? Well, we can always pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and head into the kitchen and make a sandwich of our own. And when we put our own sweat, tears and love into it, it just tastes better. Luckily, Hilah Cooking is here to help us out!! Continue reading
Good morning. What did you think of last night’s episode? Skyler has finally spoken up, but what good will it do? Hit the jump for some spoilerific discussion and link sharing. Continue reading
Preface: Lanai is a small island just a stone’s throw from Maui. It used to be the world’s largest pineapple plantation. The plantation was replaced by two ultra-swanky resorts when Dole realized that it was much cheaper to grow pineapples in Third World countries. Recently, Oracle’s Larry Ellison bought 98% of the island for half a billion dollars.
While on Maui about eight years ago, I decided to take the ferry to Lanai for a one-day jaunt. Tackling the Munro Trail in a 4×4 was my goal. Lonely Planet suggested an outfit that rented sturdy Land Rovers. A phone call quickly revealed that the company went kaput. Continue reading
Here’s your place to talk Olympics. Continue reading