Blind Items

She’s a twentieth century fox.

1) “She may be in a committed relationship, but this multi-hyphenate girl sure isn’t acting like it! She has been out partying practically every night. And although she isn’t drinking in public, she is certainly acting like she is under the influence of some substance.

On a recent night out at a bar in a hotel in New York, she spent a lot of bodyguard-protected time in the restroom. When she came out, she stumbled around aimlessly, holding onto walls and people for support. When a song came on that she liked, she grabbed a cute guy and pulled him out for a very physical encounter on the dance floor. Let’s just say that it sure didn’t look like she was practicing her wedding dance. We wonder how many calories she expended stroking, grinding, and kissing this complete stranger. We hope the exercise was worth it!” [Blind Gossip]

2) “There’s been an interesting development in the relationship of this TV girl. Her boyfriend – who is neither famous nor wealthy – isn’t too happy about her fake-dating a TV Guy with whom she appeared on one season of popular show. So he got hold of some very compromising photos of the TV Guy with hisBoyfriend (who has also appeared on the same show), and told TV Guy that he was going to send them to the tabloids.

TV Guy totally panicked. Heturned to a good pal of his, Rich Guy, for advice and help. Rich Guy – who is more high profile, on more television shows, and has more money than everyone else in this blind combined – said that the best way to keep TV Girl’s real boyfriend quiet was to offer him some hush money. He even generously gave the TV Guy the money for the payoff. Why would Rich Guy do that? Well, it’s in his best interest, too. He is fake-dating the TV Guy’s sister. He knows that if one of these fake relationships was disclosed, they could all come tumbling down like dominoes.

TV Girl:

TV Guy:

TV Guy’s Boyfriend:

Rich Guy:

TV Guy’s Sister:” [Blind Gossip]

3) “Which handsome, married star of a successful movie franchise was thisclose to sleeping with his sexy, engaged co-star? At times, the chemistry between the two A-listers was so intense during filming that they actually told producers that they shouldn’t be left alone together!” [National Enquirer]

4) “Which pop star’s young lover is causing major problems on her current tour because he thinks he’s a bigger star than the other acts performing alongside his cougar girlfriend? The brash beau thinks he’s the ringleader of the concert tour and has alienated almost everyone except for his famous meal ticket!” [National Enquirer]

5) “ Which super-skinny TV personality says she doesn’t have an eating disorder, BUT works out semi-disguised so no one can recognize her? The married mom-to-be shows up to the gym with sunglasses, hair pulled down and a hat, then finds the farthest, out-of-the way treadmill to shed even more weight!” [National Enquirer]

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