Daily Archives: July 6, 2012

9 posts

Friday Night DJ Party – The Super Moonwalk Mix

In honor of the Super Moonwalk, I’ve put together a dance music mix for you kids. Tonight’s mix has a bit of everything — electro, bass, dubstep, house and plenty of mash-ups. We got a little crazy on the bath salts while putting this one together, so I apologize well in advance for the many, many fuckups!  Continue reading

Ridiculously Fast Super Moonwalk Dance? Ridiculously Fast Super Moonwalk Dance.

I have no idea what the hell is happening here, but it would appear to be a shirtless fellow in skinny jeans performing the most bizarre moonwalk of all time. It looks like it was shot in Belgium or somewhere rainy/Caucasian. The video was uploaded to YouTube yesterday by “onelovecandyman,” who has a Twitter feed here.

You’re gonna be star some day, kid. Straight to the top!

Don’t Judge Them By the Cheesy Album Cover, Donnie & Joe Emerson Are Actually Good

donnie & joe emerson dreamin' wild cover

If you saw this LP sitting in a milk crate with a yard sale price tag on it, you’d probably get a good laugh at its awfulness. And depending on your personal level of irony-laced hipsterness, you might even buy the record and bring it home thinking it’s going to be so-awful-it’s-funny.

But fuck your irony! Because Donnie & Joe Emerson not only make for a fascinating personal story, but their 1979 home-recorded album “Dreamin’ Wild” was recently reissued and is worth checking out. These long-forgotten brothers are actually amazing songwriters and musicians.  Continue reading