The queens enter the workroom singing “Jesus is a Biscuit” and are generally in high spirits. “To my bitches, love y’all to death,” Jiggly has scrawled in lipstick on the mirror. Willam says: “At least the lipstick’s on the mirror and not on her teeth for once.” Rimshot! Willam isn’t really feeling humbled by having to lip-synch, probably because she was up against Certified Hot Mess, Jiggly. Sharon admits she might have to try a look without her contacts, which I respect. As much as it’s her signature thing, she really does listen to the judges.
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Daily Archives: March 19, 2012
Happy Monday. Blurgh. Continue reading
Previously on Celebrity Apprentice! Also, SPOILERS FROM THIS WEEK’S EPISODE AFTER THE JUMP! Continue reading
Big news coming out of Wisconsin today: Republican state senator Pam Galloway, targeted in the recall elections coming up has resigned effective immediately!
It’s probably fair to say that this second season was really a tale of two disparate seasons. We began in a place that so far stretched the limits of modern television drama that it was enough to make even the most staunch soap opera fan weep. It was filled with long expositions about the meaning of life, life without hope, what it means to be truly dead, and if there is ever a hope of seeing the Walkers as anything but ambulating meat sacks during near constant contemplation of right and wrong. Continue reading
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Any new parent can tell you that the village certainly seems to think so. When you have children, people come out of the woodwork to offer you unsolicited and often, unhelpful advice.
It starts when you are pregnant. The first thing I remember is someone telling me to spend the money on a high-end digital thermometer. That’s actually not bad advice as babies are squirmy especially when they are sick. Those thermometers are fast and are certainly better than the mercury thermometers that were around when I was a child. They took forever and were next to impossible to read. Continue reading
Wake up and welcome to Crasstalk. Hope you are ready for a big week. Let’s get it started. Continue reading