Sashay, shantay, panther on the runway! Right away we can see this reunion special is…special, and I’m immediately willing to forgive and forget that we were left hanging last week. They’re on a bigger set than usual, there’s an audience and we’re treated to a fun opening routine. The queens are introduced one by one. The audience cheers, but they don’t actually get on their feet until Latrice Royale is introduced. Jesus is a biscuit.
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what did willam do
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The queens enter the workroom singing “Jesus is a Biscuit” and are generally in high spirits. “To my bitches, love y’all to death,” Jiggly has scrawled in lipstick on the mirror. Willam says: “At least the lipstick’s on the mirror and not on her teeth for once.” Rimshot! Willam isn’t really feeling humbled by having to lip-synch, probably because she was up against Certified Hot Mess, Jiggly. Sharon admits she might have to try a look without her contacts, which I respect. As much as it’s her signature thing, she really does listen to the judges.
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