Happy Monday. Blurgh.
- Just like the moon landing, right guys?
- And I don’t know how anyone at all votes Republican.
- Kthug gets shrill on the PPACA. And then immediately notes the Wingnut Wurlitzer in action.
- Also from Kthug: Obama has hurt the hedge fund manager’s fee-fee’s.
- Doghouse Riley gets in touch with his feminine side.
- Cave Johnson here!
- So, who wants to tell Rush about Horse_ebooks and DadBoner?
- Old Yeller style, preferrably.
- This should be fun.
- I can’t make this shit up.
- Everyone take a really good look at 1976.
- What everyone should know about Trayvon Martin.
- One of these things, is not like the other.
- I bet everyone at the White House laughed for at least fifteen minutes straight when they read this.
- Yes, because gathering and publishing detailed personal information about abortion providers and recipients has always ended well.
- Funny what twenty years of war will do to a country.
- “the GOP has managed to put together not only an incredibly mediocre field of candidates, but also a nominating process that seems to have been designed by angry ferrets on crystal meth.“
- “Rick Santorum is a colossal dick, and not the kind that gets you hired in the industry in question“
- Remember when you parents used to say “If all of your friends were going to go jump off a cliff, would you jump too?”? Well, now we know who responded “Yes” and “No”.
- If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and makes racist bumper stickers, it’s a racist bumper sticker making duck.
- There is nothing at all surprising about this graph.
- There is nothing at all surprising about this article.