Daily Archives: October 11, 2011

10 posts

GOP Debate Liveblog-Occupy New Hampshire

Debate log #2349-When we last saw our intrepid (or is it incompetent?) candidates, they were poking out each others’ eyes with their words. Rick Perry was sleepy. Mitt Romney was for something, then against it, then undecided, then for it. Herman Cain was in the single digits, and Jon Huntsman was recycling his ties. Michelle Bachmann was dumb. At least that one hasn’t changed. Continue reading

Video Game Review and Commentary: RAGE, and Why PC Gaming Is Important

The first game in history whose title reflects the feelings of it's players. I also would have accepted "Gigantic Disappointment" or "Hey John Carmack, if you and id are going to fuck PC Gamers, at least take us out to dinner first. We like to be wined and dined before we get fucked."

The first “video game” I can remember playing is Midnight Rescue! by The Learning Company. I was 5 years old, and we had just gotten our first computer. The year was 1989.

The first real video game I remember playing was Doom 2, released by id Software in 1994. The second was Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, released by Blizzard Entertainment in 1995.

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Women’s Day Warm Up – No Man Would or Could Do This

Amber Miller, 27 years old,  completed the Chicago Marathon this Sunday at a relatively slow time of 6:25:50.  That isn’t a terribly remarkable feat, especially given that she ran the Wisconsin Marathon in May and logged in a time of 4:23:07. Was she disappointed? Not at all.

What is remarkable is that Miller was just shy of 39 weeks pregnant while running the Chicago Marathon and felt contractions begin several minutes after she crossed the finish line.   When contractions became regular she stopped to get a sandwich. Only a handful of hours later, she popped out baby June who was a hefty 7 lbs 13 oz. As a thrice pregnant lady, I can tell you that I also find it astounding that she ran a damn fine marathon in Wisconsin when she was 17 weeks pregnant. Continue reading

Chaos Musick

A little while back, Patton Oswalt wrote on Twitter:

Kansas’ “Dust in the Wind” is playing while I, a 42 year-old man, shop for comics. God has just told me to kill myself.

That got me thinking about a problem that has been preying on my mind for quite some time now. (Yes, I’m also 42, and recently started re-reading Sandman, but don’t read that far into it.) Continue reading