
3 posts
Robots killed and ate my spirit animal.

Moylanfreude (or, ‘How I Jumped the Snark’)

In the interests of helping the ever-evolving English language keep pace with the technological revolution — and with apologies to Germans everywhere — I offer this humble addition to our collective vocabulary.

Moylanfreude (noun)

The slightly shameful enjoyment derived from watching a once-great internet destination painfully and gracelessly tumble down a seemingly-infinite flight of stairs, precipitated, in no small part directly by, but certainly (via an internal company culture dedicated to many parallel and unfortunate characteristics*) encapsulated within, a particular writer who, for reasons upon which I decline to speculate, remains oust-proof in an organization demonstrably dedicated to a philosophy of near-recreational and self-destructive oustiness that verges on the whimsical.

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Chaos Musick

A little while back, Patton Oswalt wrote on Twitter:

Kansas’ “Dust in the Wind” is playing while I, a 42 year-old man, shop for comics. God has just told me to kill myself.

That got me thinking about a problem that has been preying on my mind for quite some time now. (Yes, I’m also 42, and recently started re-reading Sandman, but don’t read that far into it.) Continue reading

“What Makes a Man, Mr. Lebowski?”

"I've made a lot of special modifications myself."

Like so many bastards sons of the sixties, I was raised without a persistent male role model. While I was blissfully unaware of the devastating effect this would have on my psyche (I own five colors of nail polish, and still carry liquid eyeliner around in my murse like it’s a survival tool), it’s clear to me now that in my own way I’ve been filling the Man Gap with fictional characters since the earliest age I can remember. Continue reading