Daily Archives: September 15, 2011

14 posts

Why Some Actors Should Never Sing

Now, we’ve long discussed the conundrum that is the singing actor vs. the acting singer. Some can pull both off very nicely. We like it when NPH does it yes? Yes. We can even say that we like it when Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway take to crooning. So it’s a splendid thing when you get two really good actors who can also belt out a song. Did you know that Robert Downey Jr. is a halfway decent singer? Meaning if you didn’t know it was him, you wouldn’t think it was him. Here check it out. Then there is a list of actors who should really just pick one or the other. We could put J.Lo in that category. The bigger list, however, is the list of actors who just shouldn’t sing again ever. Continue reading

Sarah Palin, Cocaine-Snorting, Basketball Star-Cavorting Adulteress?

Is it possible to believe that Sarah “Mama Grizzly” Palin could have dabbled in hard drugs, had at least one extramarital affair, and at one time reveled in a real “fetish” for black men? Well, no, it’s not impossible to believe. Will the release of a new tell-all book claiming all of the above make anyone feel differently about the former governor and vice president candidate? Continue reading

Is Your Post Office on the Closing List? Do You Care?

The US Postal Service has released a list of post offices that will be studied for closure in order to deal with an ongoing budget shortfall. Since everyone is sending pointless e-cards instead of good old fashioned over priced paper greeting cards and paying bills online the amount of first class mail has been in steady decline. The USPS will look at the impacts of closing close to 252 offices.  Continue reading

Vaccine Triumphs Over Polio in India

Polio was one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century.  In 99% of cases, it causes no symptoms or very mild symptoms and may go effectively unnoticed, making it easy for people to be unwitting carriers and spreaders of the virus and leading to an explosion of polio epidemics in the early 20th century as transport improved, population density in cities increased and it became easier for a virus like polio to reach a critical mass of people.  Meanwhile, in that last 1% of sufferers polio infects the spinal cord, leading to paralysis or death.  Even worse, young children tends to be particularly susceptible, leading to polio becoming known in some areas as infantile paralysis disease.  There is still no known cure for polio.

In 1952 in the United States alone, polio caused 3,145 recorded deaths and 21,269 recorded cases of mild to disabling paralysis.

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QOTD: What’s Your Best Wedding Horror Story?

Inspired by alluson’s the-tailor-lost-my-bridesmaid-dress story on Wednesday afternoon, I’m asking you to share your best wedding-related horror story.

I’ve personally accompanied a bride to the dry-cleaner who was supposed to clean and box up her dress in one of those lasts-forever preservation boxes. Only guess what, no dress anywhere. So she gives them the evil eye and walks into their workroom. Oh, there’s the dress – on the floor, kicked into the corner.

Then there was the wedding I was attending wherein the groom accidentally stood (both feet) on the bride’s gown’s train. She SHRIEKED at him, I mean really shrieked. Starting married life off on a sour note, so to speak. Continue reading