
2 posts

Is Your Post Office on the Closing List? Do You Care?

The US Postal Service has released a list of post offices that will be studied for closure in order to deal with an ongoing budget shortfall. Since everyone is sending pointless e-cards instead of good old fashioned over priced paper greeting cards and paying bills online the amount of first class mail has been in steady decline. The USPS will look at the impacts of closing close to 252 offices.  Continue reading

USPS To Close Over 3600 Branches

The United States Postal Service operates at a huge loss, 8.5 billion in fiscal 2010, and is taking steps to close the gap.

We just don’t need or use our physical post offices as we once did. Our checks are directly deposited, we schedule our bill payments through our bank, we read our magazines and look at our catalogs on the internet. The volume of mail handled drops every year and the price of postage cannot keep up with the costs of maintaining post offices in nearly every zip code. Continue reading