Daily Archives: August 26, 2011

11 posts

Hurricane Tips from a Pro: Drinking During a Hurricane

Courtesy of the Hog Penny in Hamilton Bermuda

I’ve been down this hurricane road quite a few times. Real ones — like Category 4 real. On an island.

In general a Category 2 wouldn’t even make me board up my windows in Bermuda, but that is no reason not to be prepared. Planning for a hurricane involves the usual making sure that you have provisions. That has been covered here and elsewhere. The one provision they don’t talk about is alcohol. One cannot have a proper hurricane party without some good hooch.

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Crasstalk COW: Thirst Quenching

Happy Friday, y’all! Another interesting week has come and gone here around Crasstalk HQ, which I guess is an odd thing to say, given that we don’t have a real HQ, where we congregate and churn out some of the great content. Nope, it all happens in ‘the cloud’ or something. Okay, I don’t really know that, because my knowledge of technology is about as good as Rick Perry’s grasp of a good education platform. Continue reading

Jerk Alert: No, Your Toe Shoes Don’t Make You Important

Jerks. They exist. We see them everyday. They sit in the cubicle next to you. Perhaps they rub their butt on your hand while on the subway, or they ride on the stair directly behind you on an escalator and breathe garlic-onion dip on the back of your neck. COURTESY STAIR! COURTESY STAIR! You always provide one courtesy stair after the person in front of you. Sheesh. These guys, and many others like them litter our world with their collective jerkiness totally oblivious to their er, problem, while nonchalant in their affect, and mostly unrepentant.

Today we’ll start calling out jerks. Because, really, they need to know. Continue reading

When Pet Peeves Go Pedantic

“Where is that at?”
“Who are you going with?”
“Where are we going to?”

Some say it’s blasphemous and some don’t know why anyone cares. For those of you that don’t remember, here is a little refresher course on prepositions courtesy of School House Rocks. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9: Just Drop Dead, Will You?

Everyone, please keep your limbs inside the ride until it comes to a complete halt. You have now arrived at the fifth episode of season 9 of Project Runway. Five weeks in already. How time flies, almost as fast as the departing sewtestants. Have we settled into our new routine? Have we become accustomed to seeing misty water-color images of the sewtestants as the judges banter during the show opening? As always, there’s spoilers inside, so click at your own risk! Continue reading

Diamond Planet Discovered

A planet made entirely of diamond, prosaically known as PSR J1719-1438, has been discovered by an international team of astronomers led by Professor Matthew Bailes at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, and including researchers from Australia, Germany, Italy, the UK and the USA. The discovery was initially made using the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia; a radio telescope which will be well known to those who’ve seen the movie The Dish as a vital part of the network  that received signals from the Apollo 11 mission, covering most of the moonwalk. The discovery was subsequently confirmed using telescopes in Hawaii and the UK. Continue reading

Flashback Friday: Rock You Like a Hurricane


Soooo, is there something going on? Some extreme weather or something? A hurricane on the East coast, extreme heat in the Southwest and California is just as smug as ever. Let’s embrace this drama and share the best weather-related music.