Glinda has been away for a little longer than planned. My apologies. I still got some funny stuff. Here we go! Continue reading
Crasstalk Comment of the Week
Send your nominations for Comment of the Week (COW) to: crasstalkcow at gmail. Remember to say what post or OT it comes from. Continue reading
Happy…whatever day it is, Crasstalkers! It was a quietish week here, but I have your roundup of the week’s posts and Comment of the Week — I’m just a bit behind schedule. First, though, let’s conduct some business. As usual, your weekly PSA: If you wish to nominate a comment or comments for Comment of the Week (COW), please take a screenshot of your nomination and email it to me: crasstalkcow at gmail. If it’s several comments long, it’s okay to only send me a screenshot of the first comment or two, but! *puts on broken record* Always remember to tell me what post or OT the comment comes from. Now, the next piece of business: Continue reading
Happy Friday, Crasstalkers! Here’s your weekly PSA once again. Pay very close attention, Buick. Sound out each word. If you’d like to nominate a comment or comments for Comment of the Week (COW), please take a screenshot and send it to your gworl: crasstalkcow at gmail. If it’s multiple comments, it’s okay to just screenshot the first couple, but — say it with me now — always remember to tell me what post or OT the comment(s) came from! Okay, do we all feel refreshed? Like we just douched with lemon juice and broken glass? Yeah. Hit the jump for my recap of the week’s posts and your Comment of the Week. Continue reading
Hey, freaks. It’s Friday. Are you happy? Sad? Does it even matter? Your weekly PSA: if you wish to nominate a comment or comments for Comment of the Week (COW), please take a screenshot of the comment and send it to me (crasstalkcow at gmail). If it’s multiple comments you can just send me a screenshot of the first few, but always remember to tell me what post or OT the comments come from. Hit the jump for my recap of the week’s posts and, as always, your Comment of the Week. Continue reading
Another eventful week at Crasstalk. I am very proud of you, munchkins, for not letting last night’s discussion(s) devolve into Thunderdome territory. Let’s see what else happened this week, shall we?
Continue reading
Whew! I am still stuffed, kids. Might have something to do with that quarter of a pumpkin pie that I sleep ate.
Sleep eating is not a thing, I know. Insomnia and Die Hard reruns are very real, however.
Happy Friday, y’all! Another interesting week has come and gone here around Crasstalk HQ, which I guess is an odd thing to say, given that we don’t have a real HQ, where we congregate and churn out some of the great content. Nope, it all happens in ‘the cloud’ or something. Okay, I don’t really know that, because my knowledge of technology is about as good as Rick Perry’s grasp of a good education platform. Continue reading
What can I say, Crasstalkers? Apparently, it was meme week around here. I’ve never seen so many meme pictures in the Open Threads, and for that, I, um, salute you? Admittedly, it’s going to be a short one this week, not because you guys weren’t great as usual, but because someone has a happy hour to get to! Continue reading