Daily Archives: August 19, 2011

17 posts

Friday Late Night DJ Insanity

Good evening, Crassholes. Have you been drinking? I hope so. Are you ready to shake your ass like your life depends on it? Are you ready to bop your head like a damn bobblehead? Are you ready to work up a sweat? You better be. What would Friday night on Crasstalk be without some music sharing? Let’s get this thing started. With any luck I’ll stagger home in time to play along with you for a while. In the meantime, though, check out these tracks to get your juices flowing: Continue reading

The Tide of ADHD Children in the US is Rising

The CDC and the National Center for Health Statistics is reporting that 1 in 10 children in the US are now diagnosed with ADHD. The report doesn’t say more children are believed to have this condition, but that simply more children are being diagnosed. This is good news for these children since the treatment and therapy available now for ADHD is much better than it was just 15 years ago. The numbers for boys and girls with ADHD are rising in concert, while the numbers in minorities have recently risen to catch up with the rest of the population, with the exception of Mexican children. This is thought to be due to lower frequency of doctor’s visits for that segment of population. This would also seem to reinforce that the rise seen here is merely reflecting a higher rate of diagnosis. [ MSNBC ]

Is Searching for a Job the New First Day of High School?! Yikes!

The jobless rate in this country is abysmal. Currently stuck at 9 percent, many Americans who find themselves unemployed in an unstable economy are desperate for the types of work many wouldn’t consider in a flourishing financial landscape. For some, finding full-time work is a luxury, since many companies have downsized, laid off staff, or have fluctuated between hiring freezes, furloughs, and other personnel cutbacks.

It would seem finding a job has numerous roadblocks. What makes things harder?

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Things I Learned at the Antiquarian Booksellers Seminar

Last week I attended the annual Colorado Springs Antiquarian Book Seminar. The days were long, the lectures were dense with material, the faculty (big-deal booksellers) were generous beyond belief, they all put in 12-hour days on our, the students’, behalf. On my way home, the one thing I didn’t put in my checked-luggage was my notebook. Not going to risk losing that. Sometimes I was listening so hard I was sorta writing on auto-pilot, and will need to go through those notes several times before it all sinks into my brain and stays there.

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Project Runway Season 9: The Devil Wears Nina

So, how many souls have you consumed today?

This, this, this, this, this, this is the search for the next big fashion designer. At least, it’s the fourth episode of this season. Four episodes and we still have no explanation why the judges are in the show opener and not the contestants. As always, there’s spoilers inside, so click at your own risk! Continue reading

And a Puppy for You and Free Ice Cream for Everyone!

The Chicago Tribune reports that Michele Bachmann, she who has the completely hetero husband, is guaranteeing TWO DOLLARS A GALLON GASOLINEif she is elected.

Just so you can see the lunacy, here’s the direct quote: “Under President Bachmann you will see gasoline come down below $2 a gallon again,” Bachmann told a crowd Tuesday in South Carolina. “That will happen.”

When reached for comment, Suze Orman quipped, “honey, I will be a patient in her husband’s clinic before gas goes down to two dollars a gallon again.” No, Suze didn’t really say that. But she should.

Seriously, her idea is to remove any restrictions on drilling and roll back federal regulations on the shale gas industry. OK, while she delivers the killing blow to the environment, what she doesn’t understand is that her actions would have little impact on gas and oil prices. Continue reading

19 August, Day of Coups

With thousands of years of recorded human history, invariably there are going to be coincidences. Yesterday, August 18, and tomorrow, August 20, are each anniversaries of the deaths of 3 Catholic Popes (none today, though). 19 August holds a rather interesting status, though. It has more than its fair share of coups. And not just coups on little islands. Big, history-changing coups. Perhaps because it comes at the end of the northern summer it is a likely end for military campaigns? Perhaps the months of summer heat or drought finally drive people to the point of trying to kill their king, prime minister or generalissimo? Or maybe it is just a coincidence. We report. You decide.

Here’s just some of the list. Continue reading