The CDC has released this fun (scary!) new infographic that tells us that our grandparents would be shocked to know how much hamburger, fries, and cola we consume per fast-food restaurant stop. The average meal is four times larger than those consumed in the 1950’s, and in general adults are 26 pounds heavier. The size of fries has increased from 2.4 to 6.7 ounces and soft drinks have fattened up from 7 to 42 ounces. This is the scariest of all. I’m not sure what occasion really calls for 42 ounces of beverage in one sitting. That seems like enough sugar to launch you into outer space.
The CDC reports that 16 people have died due to a listeria outbreak traced to Colorado cantaloupes. It’s being called the deadliest food outbreak in more than a decade.
The CDC and the National Center for Health Statistics is reporting that 1 in 10 children in the US are now diagnosed with ADHD. The report doesn’t say more children are believed to have this condition, but that simply more children are being diagnosed. This is good news for these children since the treatment and therapy available now for ADHD is much better than it was just 15 years ago. The numbers for boys and girls with ADHD are rising in concert, while the numbers in minorities have recently risen to catch up with the rest of the population, with the exception of Mexican children. This is thought to be due to lower frequency of doctor’s visits for that segment of population. This would also seem to reinforce that the rise seen here is merely reflecting a higher rate of diagnosis. [ MSNBC ]