The CDC and the National Center for Health Statistics is reporting that 1 in 10 children in the US are now diagnosed with ADHD. The report doesn’t say more children are believed to have this condition, but that simply more children are being diagnosed. This is good news for these children since the treatment and therapy available now for ADHD is much better than it was just 15 years ago. The numbers for boys and girls with ADHD are rising in concert, while the numbers in minorities have recently risen to catch up with the rest of the population, with the exception of Mexican children. This is thought to be due to lower frequency of doctor’s visits for that segment of population. This would also seem to reinforce that the rise seen here is merely reflecting a higher rate of diagnosis. [ MSNBC ]
I have struggled to find the courage to sit down and expel this story from where it lay, lodged deep down under some or other memories that I’m more comfortable with. I have told myself that this story would be difficult to write simply because of how not terrible the experience was as a whole. I believe the truth is that I’m uncertain of how this story will sound when it’s in print. What light may shed on these relics from my past. I sit here now determined to excavate that which I have long sought to inter.
I documented recently that I am a High School dropout, a fact I’ve been rather proud of lately. I especially enjoy flaunting this when someone bewails the matter of their student loans. I actually have a commenter from the other site to thank for this change in my outlook. Previously I carried my status as an embarrassment to myself, my family, and my country. All of which I blame on The Education System, and I’ll tell you why. Continue reading