Maybe this is in poor taste, but then maybe not–the holiday isn’t actually until tomorrow. What do Americans do on this long holiday weekend, the unofficial beginning of summer? They barbecue and drink too much. And, I’m hoping, dance a little too. Continue reading
dj sets
Well, let’s do this. It’s all free-form tonight.
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Yeah bitches, I’m back. Let’s stroll back to the time of the ancestors and do some old-school college radio. All praises to Raptor Jesus for that first REM record. Bots and Bens, video #3 is for you. Continue reading
Hello, Happy Internet people. It’s Saturday, and chair dancing in front of your computer is The Thing To Do. If you don’t have bitchin speakers, find some earphones. Let’s get to gettin up in herr. Continue reading
Good evening, Crassholes. Have you been drinking? I hope so. Are you ready to shake your ass like your life depends on it? Are you ready to bop your head like a damn bobblehead? Are you ready to work up a sweat? You better be. What would Friday night on Crasstalk be without some music sharing? Let’s get this thing started. With any luck I’ll stagger home in time to play along with you for a while. In the meantime, though, check out these tracks to get your juices flowing: Continue reading