Daily Archives: July 30, 2011

6 posts

The New York Times Would Like You to Know About The Emancipation of Barack

There comes a time in every person’s life in which they must forgive those who have hurt them in the past for any wrongdoing. It’s different for everyone, but, in this particular case, we must forgive The New York Times for  every far-too-late trend piece, every fawning profile and Vows, not to mention the actual unsavory offenses (Iraq, Jayson Blair etc.).  With one line, one simple little sentence, one perfect little lede, everything is right: Continue reading

Start Stretching: The Debt Ceiling Crisis Continues

Well, I was hoping we wouldn’t get this far, but here we are.

For those of you that recall my last article on the debt ceiling crisis, I said that my last article would be titled either “Tango Down: US Debt Ceiling Crisis Averted” or “Grab Your Ankles: US Defaults on National Debt”.

Based on my title, I’m sure you can figure out which way I’m leaning on this one.

Since my last article, we’ve watched negotiations between the Vice President and Congress collapse, the President and Congress collapse, and Congress and Congress collapse. What makes that last part worse is that it’s not like it’s failed once. No, it’s worse than that. The House can’t agree with the Senate. House Republicans can’t agree with Senate Republicans. Democrats can’t agree with Republicans. And the House Republicans can’t agree with each other. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9: Blood on the Runway

My little chickens, are we really back here again? How quickly the time flies from season to season. It seems like just yesterday that Mondo was robbed. Ah well. The pen, having written, moves on, and so do we. On the other hand, Miss Heidi cashed her check from the Lady Parts Network so she’s ready to crank up this production and watch the bodies fall. As always, recaps are chock full O spoilers, so read at your own peril.

Are we really “going to shake things up” again, just like we did last season? Well, not exactly like last season. This time Heidi exhibits serious Schadenfreude Face as she tells us that 20 designers were invited, 16 move to Atlas and 4 are eliminated before the first challenge. Continue reading

Nerd News Roundup: Everybody Loses

Howdy readers! Some of you will go see Cowboys & Aliens while an unfortunate few will get dragged off to see the Smurfs by your children or a nostalgic and soon-to-be ex. Some of you might be at home sorting your Whale’s Vagina Comic Con swag into the “Keeper” and “eBay” piles. Some of you might even be deciding whether it’s classier to drink Scotch or Wine while playing Team Fortress 2 (the answer is Scotch, btw). Whatever you do this weekend, one thing is for certain: You need nerdy news.

Guess what? I have nerdy news. This week, Madden 12 gives you a 2nd chance, Martin Luther rears his ugly head, Dinosaurs are everywhere and another boardgame gets a movie in this week’s Nerd News Roundup!
Continue reading

Seven Best Hangover Foods

The pounding headache, the stomach full of bile. The sweats, the farts, the poops. All across the world, Saturday morning comes and the cry of “Never again!” shouts from bathroom stalls everywhere as we hug our toilets, retching out another successful night.

Well, most of us don’t drink until we puke every weekend, so what’s the next best thing after getting rid of all the alcohol you put in your stomach? Putting greasy food in there to counteract the hours-old fermented beer! Sometimes this works to your advantage and you feel like a million bucks, and other times, well – see the first paragraph. It was going to happen anyway, so might as well have some substance to the puke, right? Continue reading