Howdy readers! Some of you will go see Cowboys & Aliens while an unfortunate few will get dragged off to see the Smurfs by your children or a nostalgic and soon-to-be ex. Some of you might be at home sorting your Whale’s Vagina Comic Con swag into the “Keeper” and “eBay” piles. Some of you might even be deciding whether it’s classier to drink Scotch or Wine while playing Team Fortress 2 (the answer is Scotch, btw). Whatever you do this weekend, one thing is for certain: You need nerdy news.
Guess what? I have nerdy news. This week, Madden 12 gives you a 2nd chance, Martin Luther rears his ugly head, Dinosaurs are everywhere and another boardgame gets a movie in this week’s Nerd News Roundup!
- Just because your version of the NFC Championship on Madden 12 has the Bears winning doesn’t mean you can reneg on that bet, unless you like not having kneecaps.
- “Japanese developers lack social skills,” says pimply-faced, boob-obsessed Japanese game developer.
- If you pay close attention, you can actually see his chances of getting laid diminish for every second he wears the armor.
- Mr. Lobbyist, if we banned anything that might push whackjobs over the edge, you’d be out of a job.
- Well you lost the copyright case but there might still be time to trademark the term “Kirby Dots”…
- or you can take solace that your legacy lives on in Captain Victory.
- Martin Luther is still trying to keep Jews down, even super ones. ESPECIALLY super ones.
- Looks like Tony Stark has uncorked his Demon in the Bottle, again.
- Since you can’t rely on Superman to handle the “Border Problem“, it’s time for the adventures of Immigration and Customs Enforcement!
- Starz is just as surprised Torchwood is on their station as everyone else is. Not even sure they’re going to keep it.
- Winter is coming, pending a short layover in L.A. to pick up all of their Emmys.
- True Blood’s showrunner will be around for at least one more season.
- How will Terra Nova keep audiences glued to the screen? Dinosaurs. Shit tons of dinosaurs.
- Spoiler Alert: You’ve probably seen this Avengers Teaser bootlegged on the internet already. Sooo, Marvel is counter-spoiling it with the end of Captain America.
- The world’s most powerful superhero has dark designs for Earth in “The Mighty.”
- Jesus, would somebody sink this g’damn Battleship already?
CC image by arbyreed on Flickr, edited and remixed by MrAnansi on Crasstalk