Daily Archives: July 12, 2011

9 posts

The Taming of the Parakeet

Last week, I commented in the open thread about a cheeky little Green-cheeked Parakeet for sale at my work. I’ve nick named him George because of his incessant curiosity (if you don’t who Curious George is that means you are really young and must get off my lawn immediately).  Before jumping in to his latest progress, I’ll provide a bit of background:

Green-cheeked Parakeets (or Conures) are commonly known as companion birds. They live just as long as a larger parrot (up to 25 years), but are smaller in size and much, MUCH less noisy. As a result of their quiet nature and soft voices, they cannot learn many words, but it is possible. Often described as the “little bird with big personality,” Green-Cheeked Parakeets are playful, intelligent, curious, and incredibly affectionate. Continue reading

Craigslost: We Are Your Friends

Friends. Who needs ’em? Well it turns out that we all need ’em. Without friends, who will bail us out of jail, run to CVS for the Morning After pill or send us those dirty text messages?

And you know who really needs friends? Craigslist People! In the Gathering of the Juggalos on Poppers-esque subterranean hellscape that is Craigslist, a “friend” is someone who is game for whatever random quasi-illegal fetish you’re into. It’s a beautiful thing, really.

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Geoducks Coming Soon to Red Lobster?

I’d like to think that I have a very middle-of-the road palate. And by middle-of-the-road I mean not eating a lot of outrageous stuff like Sardinian maggot cheese or various forms of Cheetos (bar-b-que, ranch, honey mustard et al). Yes, I like my gourmand stuff mixed in with more pedestrian offerings. Think goat cheese and pears with pasta in a balsamic reduction, or an awesome bacon, egg and cheese from the deli on 5th Avenue and 16th Street in NYC… things like this, you know, foodie-lite if you will. But every now and then you come across something that just baffles the mind, and like a kid, once again you can’t get beyond what something looks like, even if it tastes amazing.

I offer you the Geoduck. Continue reading

Despite Best Efforts Palin Plays Coy Uselessly

Are we all naive enough to believe that Palin doesn’t think that she’ll be the Republican white night riding in at the last minute to save the day? I think we’re fairly certain that Sarah Palin believes that all these other jokers littering up the field are just there to be her opening act, and that once all the squabbling begins and the race just looks like a bunch of loons held together by Mittens Romneypants and Michele BachmannGooglyEyes (slavery endorser) the Zeus and Hera of all stupid things, this is when she’ll emerge like a Bumpit-haired buzzard dressed in a Starfleet jacket waiting to pick the bones of the GOP carcass. We do think this will happen despite her latest interview in Newsweek magazine don’t we?

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Tuesday Morning Headlines

It’s just too hot. My shoes melted yesterday. It was terrible. I was glued to 34th St.  No one brought me water.  I lived off the liquid left in discarded Starbucks cups until the sun went down and I could work myself free and get home and watch reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the cool comfort of my over air-conditioned apartment while writing these headlines pour vous.   Continue reading