
27 posts

We’ll All Be to Blame if Kim Kardashian Makes $200 Million


That’s it America. You need to be officially cut off. No, seriously. You no longer know how to spend money wisely. Haha! Not that you really ever did. Now, though, you’ve taken your ability to spend money on the most ridiculous of things and upped the ante by allowing Kim Kardashian, irredeemable money goblin, to rid you of hard earned dollars through her very own game app. Continue reading

Would Snack-Shaming Make You Stop Eating Snacks in Public?

Snack-Shaming. It’s now a thing. How would you feel if whenever you went to your company vending machine and made a purchase the vending machine, yes, the vending machine, launched a tweet from its own Twitter account to all your co-workers that said, “Todd just bought a Snickers from the vending machine.”

Would you be angry? Continue reading

Rooting Your Android Just Became Easy

cyanogenCyanogen Inc., is a newly created company that has been producing the slowly adopted, but somewhat popular CyanogenMod custom Android ROM. They just released a new app called the CyanogenMod Installer which will unlock the user’s boot loader, root their device, and flash CyanogenMod to their phone with almost zero extra effort. The app is free over the Google Play store and after downloading their free desktop software you can have a very user friendly, highly customizable version of Android. Continue reading

A Non-Techy Girl Reviews iOS 7

The new iOS home screen is brighter, more open and more ... neon?
The new iOS home screen is brighter, more open and more … neon?

I feel I need to preface this post with the following: I am not a technologically savvy person. I love my iPhone for the reasons most of us love our smart phones: in addition to making calls and sending texts, I can check Facebook and Twitter and email and the Internet wherever I am. It gives me directions when I’m hopelessly lost (sometimes — ask me about the time I wound up in the middle of a field. The phone said turn right!) It means I’m never without somewhere to eat. It is a portable computer I can fit in the palm of my hand. What’s not to love? Continue reading

We Live in a World Where Your Teens May Plot to Drug You


Oh, thought you were so clever there parents, didn’t you? Yup. You sure did. You thought that you’d find a way to utilize your teens’ penchant for all their technological devices and still get them to do those mundane things like walk the dog, take out the trash, empty the dishwasher and such, eh? You fools! Teens these days have just upped the ante. They’ve decided to just out and out drug you to gain even more access to the things that matter most in their lives — using the internet. We’re doomed. Continue reading

Web Diving: “I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me!” Confirms It

“And I have no privacy, whoa-oh-oh.” Well, yes, this is true for some of you. Callum Haywood’s experiment called makes that abundantly clear. Know who can see when you tell your Facebook buddies that you hate your boss, are hungover, smoked some cheeba, or got a new phone number? Everyone! All the time! Everywhere! Continue reading