This actually rather poignant short film encapsulates, with some possible exaggeration (or is it?) our modern everyday usage (or addiction) to our smart phones. It begs the question of when is enough…enough?
Let’s discuss in the comments. As Buzzfeed posits, this could be the modern technology personality test. We’re not sure what that means exactly. Are the smartphone users who do so while interacting with others introverts or extroverts? Does this mean that all users while in intimate settings are douchebags? Is the one person not engaging in a technology experience a Debbie Downer/Stick in the Mud, or is it the other way around?
But most of all, is there any time when there should be radio silence when it applies to smart phone use? How about while in bed? (People do this.) While in the bathroom? (People do this too.) On a date? (Yup. Also this.) In the hospital?! (Even this.)