About three years ago, I was at a smallish cocktail party that was being hosted by a friend of a friend. During the course of the small talk over bad hors devours and even worse, a warm Sprite, the conversation turned to professions. Next thing you know I am being drug across the back yard to ‘advise’ the host on what to do with his outdoor living space. I said, sure. Why not? Just give me a few minutes to get my bearings and come back and we’ll talk. He went back to the group inside and that’s when I stripped completely nude. Continue reading
I am unemployed. As of today, it will have been exactly 210 days since I last worked. This is my story. There are many like it, but this one is mine. Continue reading
Not all states even have an income tax and the ones that do are widely varied due to tax rates and income amounts. To break things down the Tax Policy Blog over at the Tax Foundation put together this handy graphic showing the per capita taxes collected by state. Since not everyone pays taxes in the states with income tax and some pay more or less, this is really just an average tax collected. Check out the graphic after the jump. Continue reading
Some of your favorite songs of yesteryear famously boast of spending lavishly but much like Dr. Evil the dollar amounts don’t impress with our inflated currency in the present time. But what would these songs prices be if we adjusted for inflation? Continue reading
As of Sunday, retailers may start charging consumers a “checkout fee” when making purchases with a credit card. That’s right. For the privilege of paying with credit, your favorite shop may have the option of charging you for the convenience. Continue reading
By now you’ve probably heard about the tumblr Rich Kids of Instagram which has got to be the equivalent to some sort of pictorial depiction of the biggest ocean of douche we’ve ever encountered. Like literally, it’s a grazing farm of assholes who’ve decided that you should see them all engaging in first hand assholery in a way that should probably never, ever be explored. Continue reading
It’s almost May, and that means the start of wedding season! Open bars and casual foreveralone-fueled hookups and cheap yet “meaningful” party favors and mason jars filled with ALL THE THINGS!
But wedding season isn’t just about collecting seven hundred monogrammed boxes of Jordan almonds; it means bridesmaid-duty season, too. According to a survey of over 20,000 brides in the U.S., it costs an average of $1,695 to be a bridesmaid. The study, done by WeddingChannel.com, found that not only is the cost of the average wedding going up, but that the cost for those roped into being in a giant matrimonial circus is increasing too. Continue reading

You probably heard a few weeks ago that at least 10% of the people working in the financial sector are psychopaths. You were probably not surprised by that. In fact, if you’re anything like me, you were probably a little surprised that there weren’t more Patrick Batemans running around Wall Street feeding cats to ATM machines. Continue reading
First off, let’s be clear about one thing: half billion dollars sounds much better than $500 million, doesn’t it?
My kids saw the news last night and wanted to buy some lottery tickets. They were despondent when they found out you needed to be 18 years old to play. We had an interesting discussion last night about what they would want to buy if they won. Continue reading
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed today above 13,000 for the first time since May 2008. If that date sounds familiar, it should — that was four months before the current financial crisis was declared. Continue reading