
61 posts

Announcing the “I’m Too Tired for Real Pants” Pants


Oh, America. It’s come to this. It’s come to the point where we ask if we should even bother putting on real dress pants to go to work in? Why don’t we just wrap a terry cloth towel around our legs covered in Doritos and Yoo-Hoo, tie them with a licorice string, stuff ourselves into our fussy hybrid vehicles and motor ourselves on down to the local industrial park, throw our heads in a muff, and turn our cubicles into a Spider-Man toddler bed and just forget the whole thing! This is what unpants-pants will do for you! Or more to the point, what cotton sweatpants disguised as dress pants are for. Continue reading

Project Runway All-Stars Season 2 Episode 8 Liveblog

project-runway-all-stars-1 Greetings, fellow Project Runway fans! Well, this season’s been a bit of a letdown, hasn’t it? I mean, the fashions have hardly been awe-inspiring, the judges have been lackluster, and there’s hardly been any drama between the designers! Last week, we bid adieu to Casanova, whose design was a loser amongst a sea of horrid designs in a horrid Unconventional Materials challenge involving the (mis)use of Christmas decorations. Uli deservedly won, as her design was the least offensive to the eyes. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 10 Finale Liveblog

It’s finally, actually, really, truly here, kittens! The Project Runway Season 10 Finale! Unlike last week, in which there were no surprises, no one got sent home, no one was told that they suck and should never touch fabric ever again–not that anybody watched (at least, not me), because everyone was busy watching Uncle Joe Biden slap douchey P90x VP candidate Paul Ryan upside the head.
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Project Runway Season 10 Pre-Finale

Project Runway pre-finaleWelp, it is Episode 13 kids, the lucky one that decides who REALLY is in Fashion Week (besides all of the other ones that have already done a show). Christopher, Dmitry, Fabio and Melissa are going and we are too. One will be eliminated before the finale.  Any predictions? Will Melissa send down a runway of clothing in black? Will Dmitry decide he’s had enough of this silliness and just accio principatus? Will Fabio be able to finally afford a real hat? So many questions. Continue reading

Why I’ve Had Enough with Shoes

This may well sound heretical to most of the members of my sex, but I’m going to say it and risk reproach anyway: Enough with the shoes.

I know. I know. I’m a woman. An adult, human, American woman. I am supposed to love shoes. Not just love them; lerve them. Flove them. Adore them. Kneel before their beauty, tremble in their glow. Stop dead at store windows displaying a perfect Prada pump; shiver with delight at the flash of a red Louboutin sole. But lately: well, the whole shoe mania thing is leaving me cold. And a little (dare I say it?) pissed off. Continue reading

French Magazines Ruining Everyone’s Week

Apparently the French have decided to wage war on PR reps and Kate Middleton’s boobs. All in a day’s work, eh? Haha? Well, okay that would be ascribing to a petty stereotype about the French being self-involved, ego-maniacal, loo-loo birds who go around slapping people, smoking cigarettes out of filters and reveling in the occasional bit of co-opted nudity. Er, okay. Most of that happened this week. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 10 Episode 9 Liveblog

Project Runway Alicia Says ByeOk kids, gather ’round. This week we don’t have any conventions to distract us but I’m not all that sure it’s a good thing. I just suffered through last week’s episode, which seemed to drag on FOR-EVAH. I should have caught it with you all. Braids is out and we keep trudging on. And, Elena still is #1 in the user favorite polls (41%). Are there any of these people that we’re excited to see in Fashion Week? Continue reading

Project Runway Season 10 Episode 7 Liveblog

Elena – Project Runway¡Ay dios mio! Is it that time again? Jeezus. Ok well, welcome to this week’s liveblog and it promises to be as overwrought as the horrorfest that was FR Ven last week. This time, it’s psychotic breakdowns for everyone so make sure you’ve got a stiff drink nearby ’cause you’ll probably need it to get through this. Continue reading

QOTD: What Is Your Worst Interview Story?

On the left: perfectly good business-casual interview look. Below: not so much.

Interviews. We all hate them. Dread them beforehand. Fear we flubbed them afterwards. But they are a necessary evil.

Woman I know was once interviewed by a company that was all gung-ho starting a new project. They flew her somewhere to interview with someone from Mahogany Row. Then there was a long, long silence. Through the grapevine she found out the project had stalled, and was eventually abandoned. Then guys who had interviewed her started turning up at her company looking for work. Continue reading