
49 posts

Christmas Cats TV Is the Best Thing on the Internet

xmascatstvEight cats, one saucy grandma and one elf. That is the formula for internet magic. Christmas Cats TV is the magical cat nip that brings all the cat ladies to the yard.

Here’s how it works, you tweet them things @ChristmasCatsTV and then they do them.

The cats are also up for adoption, because why else would they be pimping them online? The cats all live at Howard Stern‘s favorite charity, North Shore Animal League.

Fafa loves you! Continue reading

Kitty City Is the Meowtropolis of Any Cat’s Dreams

Cats, cats everywhere!

On May 2013, Long Island City, New York’s Flux Factory held several workshops consisting of urban planners, artists and children between five and 12 years old. During the workshops, the members determined what inhabitants would like in a city, designed the city and created the infrastructure.

The result was Kitty City, a 1,700 square foot city for cats, which opened on June 1st. Its inhabitants were 30 adoptable cats from For Animals, a local no-kill shelter.
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These Animals Are Illegal to Keep as Pets in New York City

pet_pigThe AP has a deeply pun laden story about families who flaunt the law by keeping even toed ungulates, pigs if you must, even though they are banned by the New York City health code.

To help potential pet owners in New York City determine which side of the law they fall on, here is the complete list of animals that are illegal to own in New York City. Continue reading

Cat Map is the Cartography for Cat Ladies You’ve All Been Waiting For

I hate it when I’m looking at a map and it doesn’t tell me where cats are located around the globe, or anything about cats for that matter. Knowing about this problem, the Zoological Society of London has finally solved the cat cartography conundrum. Cat Map shows you where all the cats are and knowing their demographic of cat ladies, you can add Mr. Sparkle Boots to the map to help fill in the global cat picture. Continue reading

Why I’m Running Away With the Cat Circus

ShadyCatsI’m thirty years old. I get blind drunk once a week because I’m too poor to do it more often. I frequently don’t wear real pants for weeks at a time. Some days the only conversation I have is with my dog.

I’m not just single but divorced and still fuming and sniveling inside about my last relationship. I keep reactivating my OkCupid account, trolling for some kind of unicorn-man to fix me, despite having no car, living with my father, and working fifteen hours a week tending bar at a pizza restaurant.

I like the Cobra Starship song “Hot Mess,” because I relate to it at a visceral level.

I am whatever the opposite is of having one’s shit together. Continue reading

Catlandia Is the Greatest and Cheesiest Television Spoof Ever

Poking fun at a television that pokes fun at hipster pop culture is so meta that it will soon be cool (but don’t over do it man).

Do you do that new thing that nobody else is doing but everyone will be talking about soon? Did you start a movement of any kind? Do you know about cats? If you answered any of these questions with any kind of answer at all then this video is for you. Continue reading