A’ight. Continue reading
You seem a bit askew. Continue reading
Walter Pijeon, surveying his vast empire.
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Federal judge Shira Scheindlin has ruled NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices have been, as many have noted, discriminatory and unconstitutional, saying that they “violated the constitutional rights of tens of thousands of New Yorkers.” Yet, it won’t be banned outright. Monitoring of the procedure is planned for now. Continue reading
Strive on, Crassers. Continue reading
The AP has a deeply pun laden story about families who flaunt the law by keeping even toed ungulates, pigs if you must, even though they are banned by the New York City health code.
To help potential pet owners in New York City determine which side of the law they fall on, here is the complete list of animals that are illegal to own in New York City. Continue reading
For some, watching the PBS series Downton Abbey about an aristocratic English family and their bevy of house servants isn’t just a way to piddle away the hours on Sunday nights. Oh, no. Metro New York reports that with the success of the show some of the super-rich would like to make changes to their needs in domestic staffers and hire their own Mr. Carson or Anna, the lady’s maid. Continue reading
Generalissimo Bloombito and Nissan are really excited about the taxi of the future. Too bad that future looks like Total Recall. Here is what you can expect while riding around looking for Kuato a bar. Continue reading