Health and Fitness

52 posts

How to Prevent Razor Burn

Adv_for_womens_shavingI’ve always had sensitive skin. But for unknown reasons, my legs decided to stage a revolt against the Tyranny of Shaving sometime in college and started to break out in awful bumps every time I shaved. Thus began years of searching for a razor burn cure.

I tried switching to Veet. I tried shaving with the grain. I tried shaving with baby oil instead of shaving cream. No matter what I tried, a day or two later, my skin was still prone to breaking out in those oh-so-attractive red razor bumps. With Labor Day weekend coming up, there’s a few more weeks to bare those legs on a beach somewhere, so I thought I’d share the shaving routine I’ve found works best for me to prevent razor burn and get rid of razor bumps if they do appear. Continue reading

Super Squats Challenge

Into week seven of this challenge (with six weeks left) and I am only now – finally – out of Arizona. After spending nearly two weeks traveling and not riding, I fell way behind. With no more travel on the horizon, I can focus on riding the 74 miles a week required to get to my destination. It occurred to me that I can better track my trip by setting smaller goals so that I can better visualize where I am going. Continue reading

Run Less, Run Faster Book Review

run-less-run-fasterI have established elsewhere I am not a very fast runner. However, I am obsessed with reading about running and trying out new training programs. I purchased this book about a month and a half ago, and so far I am very impressed with the methodology.

First of all, the authors of “Run Less, Run Faster: Become a Faster, Stronger Runner with the Revolutionary 3-Run-a-Week Training Program” are bona-fide scientists with the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST). Their focus is on injury prevention due to over-training. The premise of the book is that each run should have a purpose: to make you faster.

This methodology is not about jogging for the sake of jogging but focusing your training on three runs: Continue reading

Super Squats Challenge

Welcome back, Super Squaters! I bet you thought you would take the summer off! So did I! My trainer had different plans for me. He told me that I needed a new fitness goal for the next 12 weeks, and he was right. I managed to deal with some pretty big things in the top half of this year and not let my health completely fall to the wayside. However, I still have not met my long time weight goal and my butt still doesn’t look like Ivet Lalova’s (google her, I’ll wait). Continue reading

Tips and Tricks for New York City’s Citi Bike and Starting to Bike in Your City

As someone who has lived in NYC for most of her life, I never ever thought it possible that the city might start becoming friendlier towards bikers, nay, even promoting biking as a viable transportation option.

On May 27th, New York joined the ranks of many other biking cities in the world by initiating the largest bike share program in the nation, Citi Bike. A program which has been highly successful in Montreal, Washington DC, Boston, Melbourne, AU, and other cities with more soon to launch. Finally, this was a totalitarian overreach by Mayor Mike and the powerful bike lobby I could get behind. Or, you know, ride. And, since its inception, the biker population has really exploded, it seems, with Citi Bikers and non – a development I am very happy about if somehow eventually it means less cars. Continue reading

A Guide for How to Age Gracefully

We all are getting older each day we roam this earth. Some of us faster than others. Some of us encounter, health issues beyond our control and some of us will face tragedies that will tax our emotional well-being. However, if we can avoid those misfortunes, many of us can find ways to age gracefully, healthfully and energetically. For those of you that have faced misfortune, we prayerfully stand next to you. Please take this post in jest.

I was always a naturally thin person that could eat a double scoop of ice cream cone at 1 AM without a second thought. My mother is 62 and looks 40. At the exact age of 41, said ice cream cone went straight to my ass and under my chin. I didn’t bounce back from a night of balls-to-the-wall drinking at age 35. And most recently, eating sushi puts bags under my eyes. Riding the motorcycle makes my joints ache. Continue reading

How To Identify Fake Abortion Clinics

Crisis pregnancy centers, or pregnancy resource centers, disguise themselves as medical facilities, but usually have no licensed doctors, nurses or counselors. They often appear under “Abortion Alternatives,” and may have names similar to abortion clinics nearby in order to confuse patients into entering their buildings instead of the real clinics. Crisis pregnancy centers greatly outnumber abortion clinics in the United States, and the poorer the area, the more centers (and fewer clinics) there are likely to be. Continue reading