We all are getting older each day we roam this earth. Some of us faster than others. Some of us encounter, health issues beyond our control and some of us will face tragedies that will tax our emotional well-being. However, if we can avoid those misfortunes, many of us can find ways to age gracefully, healthfully and energetically. For those of you that have faced misfortune, we prayerfully stand next to you. Please take this post in jest.
I was always a naturally thin person that could eat a double scoop of ice cream cone at 1 AM without a second thought. My mother is 62 and looks 40. At the exact age of 41, said ice cream cone went straight to my ass and under my chin. I didn’t bounce back from a night of balls-to-the-wall drinking at age 35. And most recently, eating sushi puts bags under my eyes. Riding the motorcycle makes my joints ache. Continue reading