
4 posts

You’re Probably Trying Too Hard on the Things that Don’t Matter

A therapist friend recently asked me for advice. (No this isn’t the opening remark at the American Psychiatric Association convention.) She was feeling remiss about starting, and not keeping up with, a blog. What with her practice and her actual life, her energies didn’t seem to be directed into blogging. I actively listened (until she took a long breath, I’m only human after all) and asked her “why do you want a blog?” “I guess I don’t, I just thought I should” she replied. I assured her that no one is watching. Continue reading

Holy Yoga

A few months ago, I had a brief lack of oxygen to the brain and began attending a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. MOPS is a place for moms with really young children to gather and support one another. The children go to a care group while the moms socialize and meet. I started going because I need more mom friends (my childless friends can only tolerate me to a certain point). I was initially reluctant to attend one of these groups because they are held in churches and sometimes churches make me break out in a rash.

Initially, things went pretty well. There is a brunch at every meeting and some darned good coffee. The meeting is about 3 hours so that’s 3 hours of exclusively adult time every other week. I thought this might help me feel less like a hermit.

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